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Everything posted by hill_bill10

  1. O MY DEAR GOD!!! lol fuckin aussies haha
  2. yeh i got similar problem, when you open the door the light doesnt come on, but when you press the switch in the light flickers and comeso n if you hold the switch in the right place :S
  3. yes i feel i shall be purchasing this when i get some moneys love that grill too
  4. i just found this doing a random search on google i need this bumper in my life
  5. how many pennies will that set you back then?
  6. it really is lol im not to bad because ive got skinny hands would be a lot easier with the wheel off tho i would imagine
  7. i wouldnt worry to much about the airbag, but if youd rather be safe yeh disconnecting the battery will stop any chance of it going off http://www.ukstarletclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8006 that should help, the worst part is connecting and disconnecting the speedo cable, hope youv got small hands
  8. it does make a big difference its just hard to tell in the pics, and yeh blue will make a much more obvious difference.
  9. do you have any idea how hard it is to take a picture of dash lights? lol tried my best tho they dont look as white as they r in the pics
  10. steering wheel looks ace! i love all your fancy interior work it looks sweet
  11. haha yeh, he must of cocked it up or sumthing lol, like i said they were ten notes for mine
  12. looks good mate, how much it cost you then to do the full front end conversion? i wanna do it to mine at some point
  13. yeh i got white ones as opposed to blue ones, but looks so much better than the manky green, ill try get a picture tonight wen its dark.
  14. thats not right :S lol were a tenner wen i bought them lol
  15. yeh your right bear they prob do lol chances are its gonna happen anyway i need Brown old kent road Red Strand Yellow Coventry Street Green Bond Street Purple Mayfair
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