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Everything posted by starlybruiser

  1. well soon i will been getting a rear carbon fibre lip off sparky and i was just wondering how they are fitted? how is the rear factory lip fitted to the car? is there any sorta clips or is it just bonded on? any help would be great cheers starlybruiser
  2. HAHA will keep that in mind as the pikeys will prob have it away lol
  3. ok mate thanks for your help, im not really bothered about performance tho lol its purely to get to and from work even if it does take 6 days lol hopefully it works out pretty cheap so i got a nice little run about to keep the glanza looking nice cheers matey.
  4. Thats dirt cheap, so its 15 quid for a year tax on a 50 or 125cc? and can i put it on my car insurance? also what cc can i use on a dual carrageway? if all goes well i should have a well economical mode of transport for work, so the glanza will stay nice and shiney at home cheers matey.
  5. Well finally the credit crunch has affected me, and yes the depot i work at is going to be closing but gladly im not going to be losing my job all the fitters including myself are goin to be relocated to a depot in the docks area of cardiff which if anyone has been there knows its a proper shit hole and full of pikeys, the depot we area goin to is just a few porta cabins and the yard is just coal dust so i dont want to take my glanza there as its gunna get wrecked and the pikeys will prob take a fancy to it so......... i was wondering if anyone has ever had a 50cc moped/ scooter thingy
  6. i know this aint the autobahn one but its practically the same, only difference is the BOV port is on the cold pipe and the core i think is a slightly different size, plus you dont have to cut anything off the bumper, i think you only have to cut a bit on the bottom to allow the pipe to come down, heres the pics other members have sent me "> "> "> Hope this helps guys
  7. hope you dont like your bumper mate, because your not gunna have much of it left lol im goin for the 200 quid dazzler off ebay
  8. I would go with the 4WD convesion and forge it, that would be mental driving it on the streets, could put allot of expensive cars to shame but thats just me, only you can decide
  9. That little light your ona bout, im 99.9 percent sure its cat temp warning light car looks stunning too mate, leave the lip black, looks hardcore
  10. Got my turbo today, bang on time enzo mate looks a good piece of kit, allot of work gone into these, just need to find the time to get it on the car , cheers matey, starlybruiser
  11. Bourkey - haha i know, i went mad with him lol hes neva been interested in cars anyway so he wuld say some shite like tha, im sure he says it just to wind me up or something
  12. i think the only 98 bumper cut out with the hdi behind it is the one on the ebay. looks pretty damn sexy too, but i want to keep my car lookin standard so a big cut out in the front bumper aint for me lol
  13. yeah im still trying to decide what FMIC to get, but i think i am goin to end up getting the 200 quid one off ebay, i do like the HDI but im not goin to hack the crap outta my bumper just to fit it i have spoken to a few people who have the 200 quid one off ebay and they all say for the money they are v good so i think i will prob get one soon.
  14. there is plenty of info in the tech section, do some searching and find it
  15. well i pm'd him about 3 days ago and he replied today
  16. yeah really is a stunning car, my brother was like " errrr thats horrible, i would prefer a z3 bmw" Wtf does he know lmao idiot haha
  17. I used to skateboard everyday, be it after school, college or work i used to spend all my free time street skating with all my buds, done it for 11 years! lol then once i got my starlet i went off it as all my money goes on her now, i should get back into it really as it kept me in shape and reasonably fit too, but i just dont seem to have the time anymore
  18. HAHA........ is it me or has there been a stack load of pie'in goin on, on uksc recently lmao ;)
  19. cheers mate, custom exhausts are literally a few yards up the street from pro speed lol sparky: yeah im thinking of goin for a 40mm drop maybe 35mm dunno yet, its just the roads are shat around here so i still wan a bit of comfort but good enough handling for around 190 - 200bhp, plus i gorra make my mind up, coilys or combo??? ;)
  20. Why dont you just buy a big can of waxoyl and do it your self with a pretty large paint brush, about 4", my mate in work done just that on his 4x4 and its just as good, i rather spend a few quid on waxoyl and put some elbow grease into it and do it myself than spend 100 quid for someone else to do it ;) makes sence really lol
  21. Yeah, ive bought a Gt spec hybrid off enzo and now im goin to be ordering a new mani and also a HDI FMIC once these are fitted im goin to just run it a 0.8 bar untill i sort the brakes and handling properly, then its E-manage or Blitz Access ;) , cheers for the comments, starlybruiser .
  22. Havent updated this for some time lol so here goes, since my last update ive had a full exhaust fitted by a company called custom exhausts situated in cardiff, they done a pretty good job and im reasonable happy with it, its 2.5" pipe work from the turbo straight back to a 4" jap tailpipe which is the only silencer so when i give it some stick it really comes to life with a nice deep roar and its pops and burbles quite allot too , ive also added a few other bits and pieces like clear indicator lenses, toytuning actuator, venturi dump valve, and obv its had a few oil changes new leads etc....
  23. Yeah we are very lucky to get them for that price, cheers Enzo mate when will we be recieving are turbo's? approx mid next week? i need to let my mum know so shes there when it goes to her shop, cheers bud, starlybruiser
  24. filter looks great man, i didnt know they done a chrome one either, llooks pucker mate
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