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Everything posted by SooperD

  1. Lookin lovely mate.. i had a bit of a go with the spray cans yesterday lol.. I did my indicators black too.. Just the tops not the complete unit.. look more like the Kouki 98 style now.. much better than grey :surrender:
  2. Hello and welcome :surrender: .. Love lupo GTIs though.. Turbo for the win haha
  3. Yup deffo sounds like fuel cut. If you have bypassed the boost solenoid then that will raise your boost a little.. I solved mine by just using the solenoid again.. Until i could afford to buy other bits :surrender:
  4. Sickening mate.. fingers crossed he gets it back and hopefully in 1 piece.. You wanna keep your eyes peeled on ebay or something incase they strip it and sell it off :surrender:
  5. Bumpy Yea but the clip it self is much smaller than the holes on the deflector on mine jay.. Grr
  6. Welcome to the black V club mate Ive got some Deflectors for sale.. It tells you the story on my for sale thread.. Deflectors came off a Glanza, Clips are deffo off a Glanza.. But somehow no matter how i tried, i couldnt work out how they went on.. Just something didnt seem right..
  7. Ill give you £30 for it
  8. Yesterday i made the mistake of taking this out to re-set my ecu. I left the ignition on when i tried to re-insert it and it blew.. Luckily the Fan no.2 Relay is the same so i was able to get home.. Can i buy these relays from a local motorfactor or does it have to be toyota themselves ? and are they expensive? Thanks in advance. D
  9. And post in the correct section
  10. Yea, thats the way id look at it.. a good excuse to get it all snorted and beastly ready for next JAE
  11. Coming along nicely that chanelle.. Love those wheels on it too.. pure sexy
  12. I doubt its been exported mate.. not yet anyway.. Probably in some garage being stripped. Or being resprayed,re dinned and re registered. Bad news tho mate.. At least you will get most of your cash back from the insurance. Get yourself another 1 from a more reputable dealer
  13. oof thats some bucks.. Is that including the 10% import duty and other things when it gets in the UK ? or do u have to pay that on top.. Those wheels are worth a mint tho Sexy supra dude. It must have a front mount too as dont the turbos have a bonnet scoop like the starlet ? ;) .. Happy days if u do have a front mount !
  14. Again ill put mine .. 26 0NCB Glanza V with alloys only added (no other mods except for ECU, induction kit and exhaust) 0 Claims 0 Points Fully comp £550 And thats with lifesure.com Worth a try with those, everywhere else i tried was over £1000 TPFT. And the poilicy is correct as on it, it clearly states : Toyota Glanza V Import Give em a try mate.
  15. Sick, the amount of time and money gone into that..
  16. Well if my friend is anything to go buy i think u wont get a ban.. depends how good you plea stupidity and say u need your car for work etc etc.. my mate practically raced a unmarked volvo in his Golf 1.8T.. Volvo came up behind close as do all the police..in his foolishness he didnt think the age old rule. Volvo Close behind u on the Motorway usually = Unmarked police car. He followed him a fair distance and the fastest speed he was clocked at was 115... They pulled him, showed him the video. I then took him to court 6 months later, about a month back now.. He had 6 points and £450
  17. Thats a sexy car .. where u get it from ? first owner or has it been in the uk a while ? And i bet it was pricey
  18. My door sticker is identical to that and mine has LSD.. but someone told me they all look the same so dont go by that... I done the ol jack method.. The wheel should turn but be very hard to turn.. at least thats what it was like on mine
  19. Personally i think most of the 18 year olds who have insured Glanzas have insured them as just 1.3 starlets as most of the imports are registered on the log book as that.. So basically their insurance is void.. Thats probably why u cant get insurance but those 18yr olds u know who have, have
  20. Heres the first car i looked at.. Loads more on there, some nice Glanzas too Veilside RX7
  21. im jealous .. u got some lovely bits there mate..
  22. Good find, the side view itself is not too bad and the rear bumper ok, just front is too OTT.. and it needs lowering and 19's lol
  23. I converted 68000 JPY to Rubles then Rubles to GBP and it worked out at £430 .. thats awesome !
  24. Man, where do u get your money ? or can you get things for low price ?
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