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Everything posted by ecksjay

  1. they're a decent road tyre, if you're gonna be going on track at any point then definately look at hankook rs2's, they make t1r's look like shit in comparison. if you drive mainly on road and just need a decent priced road tyre then yeah, t1r's are very good
  2. sounds perfect. also, she wont go in mine as i struggle to get in the seats as it it, sorry. she can sit on my lap though. also pics.
  3. orite you gonna pop down to thatch for that then yes mate ^^;
  4. i just hear pathetic excuses. get your ass in gear and come, stop being gay.
  5. mate lesbian gangbang, that would be a great deal of clunge that i'd like to get involved with. my throbbing jackson would be everywhere.
  6. milfpies ftw. also, pics.
  7. um, no, you're coming. get a lift. stop being rediculous.
  8. i was going to ask the same. she any good? got any special talents etc?
  9. fucking lesbians. i wanna see you scissoring at jae. slug trails etc.
  10. i have to. im being taken to germany for 3 days for a free 3day pissup, got an hour of lectures then im going climbing, archery etc, most likely off my fucking tits. so much german beer shall be consumed. flight is at 1pm from birmingham airport, oops ^^;
  11. mikey and phil, the little ones are the ones with sold items yes. those are on all cars that rick sold stuff to, so should be a few about. sorry phil ^^; the sticker's we're referring to are the larger ones, only seen on the original tc cars. need to get some more to be honest, jazz em up a bit.
  12. be a nice little motor to go alongside my ek9 this. what's the factory bhp figures out of interest mate? any problems with it? are they 5stud or 4stud?
  13. come along and find out. if i can stay alive long enough from the cider then we'll have a bloody good go mate. gotta leave at like 5am on sunday though unfortunately, so it'll have to be done before then.
  14. there's no way to know if its been messed about with, as you cant look at it. if you get one here you can check it over, make sure it's pukka, alot will probably have been sorted by previous owner (usual things like clutch, bushes etc).
  15. joey, if you paid for one you could've had one ^^;
  16. Alright guys, i've checked prices of gold (as i've just bought 24 for V-fest this weekend ^^, and the prices are as follows:- The thatchers gold cases consist of 24 cans, for about £28, or alternatively it's about £1.30 a can (bought in packs of 4), so about 5quid for 4 cans, give or take. They're 500ml cans, so bare that in mind. can buy as many or as few as you want, in multiples of 4. just let me know what you need. i'll ask for a few quid for transporting it ofcourse, as im going to have alot of bloody cider, this is just to pay for petrol (honda's dont have any torque, s
  17. whats the star mean geo? is it just the logo you use for the site in general?
  18. much MUCH cheaper to pick one up in the uk. decent gt's are less than £2k now, be much cheaper and less hassle to buy one here
  19. ooooh check you, moody haggis muncher. ;] i didnt even check the post dates i must say, which is unusual, bloody bren dragged it up from the past. cheeky git ;]
  20. you're just jealous bill. you know we'll be cuddling permanently, joey can fit inbetween somewhere. just dont eat her.
  21. mate ive not met the bint yet. i think i must though, she sounds deliciously epic. one way or another, i'll get an interesting photo at jae. you ok with that chanelle yeah.
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