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Everything posted by ecksjay

  1. i'd be inclined to stay clear of a screamer on such a small turbo to be honest, they sound like they're farting most of the time on anything thats relatively small. k1 is simply a modified turbo of similar size to stock, so only reason to get a screamer is with larger turbos, as they can sound so much better. it's your choice but just to let you know that screamers on small turbos do sound poop.
  2. me and rick got ruined on ONE drum of med-sweet, as we shared it. you'll be taking the gold home, i promise you. if you can drink both then you have problems, it'll be fun though gold is good, i'll see how much the trays are, think the come in 12's and 24's.
  3. the only one that can is bill, however he will be in bed by about 4pm every day, quite easily. anyone else, well, it's gonna be messy. probably like that scottish bloke from last year - an absolutely ruined disgrace, but funny.
  4. if you want them, let me know mate, i aint going back and forth getting quotes for various different combinations. if you want 12 of each, i'll get em, if you want 6 of each, i'll get em, the difference between buying em in 12 or 6 is prob a few quid at the most. it wasn't supposed to be a complex process, i'll just be buying cider for those that want it. job done.
  5. you'd be surprised what the older generation drive over there. even their aristo's (lexus gs300) have 2jz's in em
  6. they aren't rare over there, it's just very cheap for them to have very quick cars, evos and skylines like you say, so there's no point in them needing to start with small engined cars.
  7. the standard clutch is rated at standard power, if you've increased the boost, then no wonder it's slipping. it's torque that kills clutches, not bhp. i had a stock clutch slip after about 5k, due to increased boost, so yes, thats the cause, and it's to be expected. if you want a clutch to handle the power then invest in an uprated one, and not one of those '35% uprated' exedy heaps of shit.
  8. yeah ofcourse, but it'll be more expensive, as i'll have to purchase them individually.
  9. 'fast cars'? dont you mean cheap hatchbacks - starlets are pennies in japan.
  10. ive been on the cider and am trying to keep busy at work, thus when i hit new posts i get all the gaylord stuff from you bumfiddlers. also pies.
  11. this may well be the gayest thread in history. you bunch of fucking gaylords. also, lewis, please continue with sexual body shots, i can't handle many more disgusting pissed up photos of your face - i think i've only ever seen you absolutely bolloxed, which doesn't do you justice. you sexy sheep molesting prick.
  12. i'll pop down next week during lunch and check the prices of the case of 12, they're usually about £1.75-£2 a bottle, so base that on your calculations. Prob be about £25-30 for a case of 12, give or take. I'll check for sure though and confirm for everyone, as thats gonna be the most obvious choice, as katy is delicious.
  13. amy is pies to be honest. rob, sorry, but, dualpies yes. she wont mind, and neither will you. i've decided for everyone.
  14. aint selling, i am merely the transport. it'll be going in the ek9, so i'll be about 3 weeks late as it has zero torque, and 5l of cider isn't light. if people want to go to the factory and buy it themselves, thats fine, but i imagine it'll cost a bit more in fuel if you live anymore than 10miles away from there ^^; also, katy is fine bill. how many you want? 12 bottles? i may have to share it out amongst the other cars as im not sure i'll be able to fit it all in the car. it'll prob end up in the jesus taxi.
  15. as above boys, let me know what you want and i'll sort it all out. Can't go wrong at £1.13 a pint, and as you all only, one drum each kept me and rick absolutely smashed for the entire 3 days. ^^; one drum would have done the both of us, but we're cider pricks. i would also swap drums for pies etc, if you have delicious girlfriends/wives. by all means send me a pm to discuss ^; In addition, if there's anything else you want, such as:- Thatchers Katy - Fine single variety cider, in bottles, 7.5% Thatchers Gold - Classic vintage cider, not as sweet as katy, much more drinkable, much c
  16. um. rick, put on a wig, and we can thus dualpies. done.
  17. mate. im so excited im foaming at the anus. gumtaep of the cid0rz.
  19. gumtape of the ciders battlelulz
  20. you replied to quick andrew, i was replying to bluebear's comment, but hey, there's plenty of horatio love to go round, so yeah, why not. also zo dont be silly, you are BLATES into that sort of stuff....all northern birds love multi-pies...
  21. he should be mate, and he was up until a few years ago, just no money in it unless you come from a rich family to fund your own team in one of the publicised race series.
  22. i'm not sure, i'll have to have sex with you to be sure.
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