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Everything posted by pick1

  1. your probably better off talking to some custom fabricators don't think any of the traders on here do that kind if thing
  2. Looks really nice mate just caught up on your thread love the front end
  3. Or josh at stick to it mate
  4. Get a custom middle section made that will deffo liven it up with a de-cat
  5. Personally I think u should keep em that colour as it sets the car of lovely with the silver paintwork
  6. Thanks cheers really appreciated well first night has been and gone . Relatively painless he woke up a couple if times for a feeds but generally bang on , now doubt he's just breaking me in gently lol
  7. Hopefully I'll be out on track with but ill prob just be a spec in your rear view ha ha
  8. Looking good mate after a tidy up and if it's forged there are a lot more ponies waiting to be realeased from under the bonnet dude u got management couldn't remember seeing it on spec list
  9. Agreed never really known one pack up yet
  10. Standard ecu can't be -rammped dude what tunny kit is it running what else unfit bolted to it ?? We might be able to give u some more pointers when we know what's bolted to it
  11. Welcome mate and there starlet meets knocking about bit not sure what the scene is like down your neck if the words gt sounds sweet by the way
  12. Either way i want a shotgun ride in your motor lmao what a machine enjoy dude
  13. Cheers guys really appreciate it and yeah baby and mum are now doing fine
  14. It feels fuxking awsome he waS prem with a few complication n he still hasn't cried yet its hard enough to get him to wake up for a Feed lol but docs are finally happy so we can bring him home today
  15. Been long hard road with a fair few problems along the way but my son was born at half 9 Saturday morning and I can finally bring them both home the feeling is awsome
  16. I've already got all that from u guys lol
  17. Bingo shit just got serious
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