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Everything posted by Turkish91

  1. What you ordered? Hopefully 4 x T1-Rs from Camskill, think mine were £124 delivered!
  2. Seems it, when I first started it there was a load of glugging coming from the water pump and that. Took it for a spin out the village and back and it seems ok, didnt overheat or anything, heaters blowing hot. Just back to normal really Lights were actually nice and bright too! Oh yeah, and the brakes seem like 187472x better! Fuck knows why?! Proper fallen back in love with it again
  3. And micky boy, cheers for the diagram mate Really helped, even though now after doing it, was easy peasy! When I helped my mate do one on my HDI it went all over the shop, was like a puzzle!
  4. Your fingers must of worked. Looking hopeful at the minute gonna go out in it tonight for a bit and see what happens, and keep my eye on the coolant level as it did drop very slightly!
  5. Belts are now on, looking at the coolant it did drop some but not much, Ive topped it back up and will keep an eye on it. If it starts dropping loads take it that means head gasket is on its way out?
  6. Where does water come into it? I am using anti-freeze, just topped it up but changing a belt dont mean I have to drop the coolant out or anything lool?
  7. Drove it probably a maximum of 10 miles with the charge light fully on all the time. I sprayed WD on it last night before going to bed, so Im guessing it slipped off half way to work which is 4 miles so thats 2. Went to Whitnash from work which is about 3 and then back home again tonight so another 4 = 9 miles. Problem is I left the car to warm up before leaving work, probably for 5-10 mins!! Each time I drove, it'd been off for a few hours in between each journey so I'm hoping all is well.
  8. Yep... kind of on a promise lol
  9. Legend Wish me luck, I'm attempting it now!
  10. Ok cheers, its just my old 306 HDI was complicated as fook!
  11. As my alternator/waterpump belt is no longer there, I dont actually know what route the belt takes on the pulleys? Or is it plainly obvious? If someone has a diagram I'd very much appreciate it
  12. What a fucking cunt, that has fucked me off something rotten!!! Grrrr
  13. Right where to begin... Cars been playing up the last few days, wouldnt start so got a new battery, fitted it and it starts all the time now. But, only for so long... read on. Yesterday I was fiddling round and noticed some green sludge under the bonnet, all round the intake and bulkhead - put this down to a CV rubber being split and its just sprayed it everywhere! Now my main problems are, the belt off the Alternator has been squeaking since I bought the car, WD40d it up and it went away but now even with the new battery the charge light is on constantly. So I guessed the alternator was f
  14. Honestly mate, I have a snow racer as well and the bonnet absolutely dicks it, especially on compacted icy snow where people had been sledging all day! It was seriously quick!!!
  15. SNOW PICS! After a bit more play lol...
  16. Not really lol... but still pretty fookin fast! Was mighty scary when you hit the jump! And the reason it was so fast?? Because its a Starlet bonnet of course! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiLZMSSE528 Skip to 0.35 if you wanna miss out all the bullshit!
  17. Nicked ones that'd be my suspicion!
  18. This looks bait as fuck if you ask me! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FORD-FOCUS-ST-WHITE-...#ht_1141wt_1141 Whats with the specific powers on the Skylines as well? "Must be 372bhp plus" What a clown lol
  19. Whuuuuut Liam that makes me cringe!
  20. No no, I mean just the duck spoiler! I love the front and rear lips, they make it look 184720x better than normal But if I could be bothered I would remove the duck spoiler as I'm not a huge fan! Looks like a shopping trolley handle to me lol
  21. I know, I doubted it highly as well, but no one piped up about it on that topic so I did start to wonder lol!!
  22. As per title, anyone know for sure? When you google it, a thread started by Craig_N pops up and a comment by Dan507 caught my attention... apparently there is just 5 in the UK?! I personally can't believe that, anyone shed some light?
  23. Different wheels and this would be epic!! Very nice mate
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