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Everything posted by BigMan

  1. wouldnt go that far ive got a glanza inlet mani and throttle body so going to try the throttle body on my JDM n/a lump if the glanza throttle body is any bigger than the JDM n/a one.
  2. its a piss take?! says this in the description bit " Fast Five" mockbuster from The Asylum.
  3. thanks mate trying to keep it as JDM as i can afford to! lol thats a shame dude i cant make japfest 2 so going to make sure im at JAE
  4. better getting a house mate! but still a shame to put all of that effort in to not have it on the road again that long?
  5. as nice as your white one is mate, your bro's one is sexual, love the colour on a gt! should defo make sure you have the essentials on the new GT tho! like coilovers, exhaust etc may be intrested in a few parts off your white gt mate
  6. glad to hear you got it home alright mate and hope you can get everything sorted! was good to see you again dude you going JAE?
  7. yeah left mine at 7.30 pm got to the hotel at 3.45am then got up at 6am to leave for the services then went to the show and drove home that night! get your ass to JAE should be a good laugh!
  8. yeah haha got home at 12.45 am after leaving the show about 5ish! cant come to japfest 2 but will defo be at JAE
  9. looked awesome at japfest mate, was good to meet you
  10. did you make lee pull it and hope you get her up and running soon mate! and thanks for the stickers on sunday
  11. awesome garage and car looked good at japfest mate
  12. my whole face and neck knows about it!
  13. heres some more pics! caught the starlet bug again so might be buying couple of bits before taking her to JAE as wont be at japfest 2 Next mod on the list is getting a Cruise gearknob! as allways wanted one
  14. LOL shame i couldnt do a 4WD launch infront of her lmao Yeah mate was good to meet you, but you are compared to me
  15. yeah i love them, suit the car perfect, also got nice ride height for the 4WD, they zoom springs made abit of a difference compared to gaz's ep85. Not low enough to scrape off every bump but not sky high!
  16. yeah best have someone who goes up there first and parks all the cars for us so we can use the space best we can! and i also seen 'she who should not be named' leaving japfest and even let me out hahahaha Cant make japfest 2 but roll on JAE!!
  17. save up and make the trip to JAE! simples!
  18. yeah mate they came up quite nice, made me love the car again with them on!
  19. great effort steve! but only in one pic and im in the background! some people need to park better and save room for other cars instead of having to make our own row of 2 cars and no one taking pics of it
  20. is it possible for people to pay in the gates as passengers and camp? since im defo going but not sure who is coming with me
  21. im only in the background of everyones pic apart from the one proper pic of my car!
  22. was a awesome day! got home at 12.45 am after driving home from the show and only having 2 hours sleep! hope you see you all at JAE and maybe japfest 2
  23. hope its sunny all day tomorrow well best get a move on a leave!! see you tomorrow lads!
  24. leaving in a few hours, going to get the car all cleaned up while the rain is off! lol
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