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Everything posted by aaddzz123

  1. lol!! That was meeeee I remember seeing you ;) mx5 looked smart mate
  2. lol! Harsh I deleted all of my history, cookies etc, did a computer scan and found 2 viruses that I got rid of and now it seems to be a lot better ... Thanks for the help guys.
  3. If its more of a clicking then yeah it'll be the CV joint. As said above, realitively easy to replace the CV joint although I just changed both shafts when mine went because I found some cheap lol. If its more of a banging then it'll either be trackrod end or ball joint. Best bet is to move the wheel side to side as hard as you can (the actual wheel not steering wheel lol) and get a friend to put their hand over the joints to see if any have play
  4. What a fucking rip off :/... When I worked in a garage even with all the tools etc, if I came across a seized driveshaft for example, all I'd do is brush down where I can with a wirebrush, use a bit of wd40 and smack the shit out of it with a copper mallet.... It always worked lol.... If need be just heat it up and replace the bearing. Fuck paying them for not even finishing the job though. That sucks!

    1. Flaminsam



  6. I've watched a couple lately that I liked! 500 days of summer.... Bit of a girly/breakup film but I'm a soppy twat and thought it was awesome The hurt locker...... Really intense, bit boring towards the end but over all good. Horrible bosses..... Funny and worth watching just to have a wank over Jenifer Aniston Crazy stupid love.... About a middle aged guy learning to pull again, amazing haha Just a few anyway
  7. Right, I've resorted to sitting back on the laptop as over the past 3 or 4 days the internet on my computer has been unbelievebly SLOW. It's so frustraiting. It'll take about 5 years to load any internet page if it loads it what so ever, yet I come on to the laptop, click on internet and BOOM, straight away no problems... Its not a slow computer. Built fresh a few months ago with top range processor and 8gb ram and a good motherboard etc.... Doing my tree in! Someone help lol
  8. I don't understand why my name isn't automatically on this list? Put me down for me + 1
  9. Everybody knows a friend of a friend that does MOTs mate.... Just have a word with your friends... I struggle to think of many people that actually get a genuine MOT lol!
  10. lol! The only reason I have them in is because the boot acts as a acoustic box for the speakers in the parcel shelf ... Gives it a bit of bass. Plus I hide all my hoes in the boot ;). lol! Yes I'm sure they're in the right way ... I thought maybe there would be some little tab or switch that clicks into place when they've been tampered with or something? Don't know?
  11. Mine are pretty shit tbh! But I found if I put them on recurculating they get a lot warmer lol!
  12. Right, I stripped the back out last year for a bit of a change and eventually got bored of the noise etc and put it all back in... however, the seatbelts don't come out. You have to very very gently notch them mm by mm until they come out and it can literally take 5 years to put your seatbelt on.... Anyone know why its doing this? Both of them are the same. Any help would be great. thanks guys
  13. It'll do about 50-60mph. 2 speed "gearbox".... Really good fun but quite a handful
  14. Ha! I used to have one of these I had the cheaper version without all the carbon and alloy goodies though ... Good fun and well worth £50 GLWTS
  15. WOOP WOOP! Bluetack. Does wonders How are you fitting them anyway? Out of curiosity. I'm excited to see them
  16. That bonnet looks awesome John! Tidy as always ;)... And that last picture is shocking lol!
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