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Everything posted by aaddzz123

  1. Both those videos are fucking amazing haha! If I were in your position I'd just deal with it myself because at the end of the day whats the owner going to do? Have a sit down with his cat and explain to it why it can't sit on your bonnet?.... I don't think so lol. Cats do what they want and as the aussie proved, they don't really learn lol... A few methods though are a cat deterant which is basically a motion sensor that squeels a high pitch when its set off, fucking annoying when you walk past it though, wouldn't reccomend one. Garlic. Cats supposedly hate garlic. Maybe keep a few cloves be
  2. After you've fitted spacers, how do you get past the problem of the bolts being too short? I imagine you have to put new "bolts" into the hubs? What about the back because they're in the discs :s
  3. SEEEEEEEX ! Really looking forward to seeing this next week
  4. Awesome mate! She looks really tidy . If it locked itself, at least it has an alarm lol! How did you get in out of curiosity Or is it still sat outside running? lol! I like the colour too.... Its had some money spent on it
  5. He's asking for the thread or diameter guys lol! I've no idea to be honest. I'd guess the hole is about 8-10mm? No idea on thread SOWWIE
  6. Not to mention that the desingers accidently cut it's cheeks open :s
  7. Well I feel seriously sorry for you haha! Eco cars, boring until I reach my 50s and then I might be interested in going slow quietly. But until I tick over 49 years, 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59.9 seconds... NO lol
  8. 1)Liam_D 2)Lottie 3)Jamie1st 4)Michael hopefully in mine! 5)ro55ifumi 6)Starlet786 7)Aaddzz123 (PAID..... ) 8)Socks 9)Starbo moorley 10)*Zoe* 11) Matt - glanza mat 12) String Just adding string to the list!
  9. AND! You should paint the ends of your strutbrace the same white as the rocker cover ;) BOOM
  10. What he said ^^^ I prefer the white rocker cover tbh! Looks smart Coming along fast
  11. Puts his "sticky formula" on anything you want for the right price ;)
  12. aaddzz123


    Ha! More people than I thought ... I used to go to the gym but I'm now a peasant and can't afford to, so I've decided to hit it hard at home and on the street... I've just been doing different weights, press ups and sit ups in the house and then going for roughly 20 mile bike rides and running a bit. I did a few weeks ago anyway and then slipped off it a bit so put pictures of my podgey upper body on FB for people to insult me and get me motivated (feel free to throw a few at me lol). I'm just eating chicken, turkey, fish, bananas, brown rice, lots of green veg and drinking lots of water . Goi
  13. Like to imagine me hiding in a mens changing room watching him
  14. Needs to take the butt plug out of his exhaust if he hasn't already done it!? ;) (Ryan, I was originally replying to Johns post but you beat me to it (talking about hoes) and then I didn't know what to say lol! Ryan Lang sounds like an actor. I could be wrong though?)
  15. Can't take his mind of hoes ^ Fucked that one up because he was too slow Ryan Lang, sounds like a film star name. Are you famous? lol!?
  16. Is the love of my life. I dream about them everynight.
  17. lmao! That thread is amazing. I'm finding it really really really hard as to why anyone could even try to justify that a saxo is better than a glanza or a GT?.... I really don't even know where to start other than that saxos are made of plastic and a mint VTS is worth about £1000. Bunch of idiots lol
  18. I have the optional sound system already So the door cards have speaker pods and the dash has tweeters. Unfortunately some pikey stole the door speakers before I bought the car so I'll need some new ones of them too... I guess I should get them sorted before I get a bit of bass sorted... Better get saving then. These shallow subs with amps aren't cheap are they lol!
  19. How can anyone with a saxo slate someone with a glanza? wtf lol!??
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