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Ken Block On Top Gear

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F**king BBC2 can't organise a pissup in a brewery. I tune in at 8 to watch it and it says tennis is on till 8.30, so go back at 8.30 and it started at 8.15, then it finishes at 9? FFS. Missed most of it! Though I did see Ken Block, was awesome as usual!

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Top gear is getting worse every series. Too much fakery these days, I just wanna see fast cars race and shit no bullshit and faffing about. Some nice cars though. They got everyone by the balls with it, knowone steps back and really looks at it. Didn't see tonights.

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Top gear is getting worse every series. Too much fakery these days, I just wanna see fast cars race and shit no bullshit and faffing about. Some nice cars though. They got everyone by the balls with it, knowone steps back and really looks at it. Didn't see tonights.

Did you see last weeks episode? It was a bit of a supercar porn fest.

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It was awesome once again as per usual.

Those who don't 'enjoy' watching top gear should seriously tune into fifth gear..

I do, has some nice cars also, but lots of fakery and silly tests too like knocking a ball in a goal with a car. I mean seriously am I the only one. They got everyone by the nuts with this shit. It's inasne. I have to admire though how they have studied the target audience and achieved great success.

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I loved that Merc!!

The test at the end was shit like really shit some of it annoys me but there are some good cars

That LP670 Lambo in Abu Dahbi a few weeks ago was immense!!

Michael McIntyre is one funny guy :surrender:

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F**king BBC2 can't organise a pissup in a brewery. I tune in at 8 to watch it and it says tennis is on till 8.30, so go back at 8.30 and it started at 8.15, then it finishes at 9? FFS. Missed most of it! Though I did see Ken Block, was awesome as usual!

I did exactly the same and was mega pissed off!

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i never seen that michael mcintyre before in my life and i found him really irritating...petrol suitcase story was an out and out lie, and if it wasnt the petrol suitcase part certainly was.

I am finding this series not to be as good as others though last weeks was excellent.. i too missed probably the first 15 minutes im guessing this was when the mercedes your all talkin about was on? or was i just not paying attention for the rest. damn bbc iplayer doesnt work in ireland!

anyone else notice the car in all the halfords things before top gear on dave is more like a starlet ep91 than any other car?

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yep it was the Merc at the beginning and loads of my mates had the same proble. I think it was sky that fucked that one up

I've got freeview and that said 8 o clock so put it on at 5 to 8 expecting wimbledon too run over and it didn't started bang on 8

I kinda agree that it is all staged but its so much better. i watch 5th gear now and again and its just boring i know there doing there jobs in reviewing cars but the difference in top gear is its pure entertainment. they do a lot of reviewing and a lot of the challenges are relevant to reviewing cars. thennow and again they go mad and provide some brilliant laughs like winter olympics and motohome racing. I can honestly say i don't watch it just for cars its just an hour of good laughs

i can also say that michael mcintyre was a complete dick. I hate comedians that think there funny and laugh at their own jokes. i also believed that he was just bullshitting stories together to be funny. i want laughing 2bh

p.s Galliano what a legend for finding that pic of May. im saving that haha

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