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all points here make sense especially eating pussy one ! but tbh if it was that easy so many people would be smoke free when i was a kid i used to say to my mum just stop but it isnt that easy, i will be stopping shortly ! just waiting to get the starlet back from td and that will keep me busy !

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You should never assume things.

I was gonna add more to my post but I decided not too.

Course I know about smoking, and how hard it is to quit, and everything else that goes a long with it.

People say they feel better for having a smoke, yeah maybe's people do because your feeding your addiction.

I just don't get why people would want to waste a massive amount of money on something which is killing there health.

i assumed cause it was written in front of me, word your posts more carefully so :thumbsup:

as for this, "I just don't get why people would want to waste a massive amount of money on something which is killing there health"

you still obviously dont get it, non smokers never do!

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You should never assume things.

I was gonna add more to my post but I decided not too.

Course I know about smoking, and how hard it is to quit, and everything else that goes a long with it.

People say they feel better for having a smoke, yeah maybe's people do because your feeding your addiction.

I just don't get why people would want to waste a massive amount of money on something which is killing there health.

Tbh i wish i knew too, i think i started because an ex did it, and a few drunken fags turned into being a smoker. Some folk seriously struggle to stop, even knowing the health and financial costs.

I switched to the ecig as a means of trying to stop, but ive just been using it instead of fags, it doesnt seem to be as bad for you and its £30 a month rather than £30 a week.

I do want to stopeventually, just dont have the willpower or motivation to atm.

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I quit smoke a year and a half ago now.

It's as simple as if you actually want to stop just stop.

What this guy said!!! It's only as hard as you tell yourself it's going to be lol. If you keep telling yourself "It's an addiction, it's not easy" then you're never going to quit because to be frank you're just making excuses :p... If you really WANT to quit, then quit. Nothing else to it lol. No one is going to help you, no one has a magic solution... It's hard for a month and you'll never look back.

Get a ps3 or a new game if you already have one. Just go to work, avoid the fag break, go home, play games, go bed, repeat lol :)!

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Why is smoking cool?

Its sexy.

It makes your hair shiny.

It looks cool.

It means you fit in.

Women love a man with a tailor made cig.

Did i mention how cool it is?

I joke. Really its not cool. I am a smoker and i like to think i could pack up fags tomorrow. But i dont want to. Its my five minutes away from everything where i can just relax. But very shortly my time will come as i have at least ordered a quitkit to try!

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