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Has any one tried or quit smoking? I woke up Monday morning and decided I don't wanna smoke any more and since then ain't touched a cigarette even after smoking 6 years is there a certain amount of time before it starts getting harder in the quitting side of things or are the 1st few days the worst?

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Ive stopped 2 or 3 times, just stopped as well. I found the first week or two the worst then it gets better. It'll never go away though, you'll always be tempted. Well maybe after a few years you wont but i never lasted that long.

Im using one of those e-cigarettes now but should probably stop altogether soon!

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I quit once then started six months later. Then one day I was suffering with an epic chesty cold and I had a cig and it nearly made me sick! Put me off for good and I havnt had one in nearly 3 years :). I still see people light up and think about how I would like to have one but you always need that element of will power. After 2 weeks the cravings start to really subside and after that its just the habit. I found it easier to change my routine completely rather than just try to cut cigs out of the old routine.

The first time I quit I tried the tablets (which were good) and patches (not so good made me feel sick). Tried an electric cig and though they were crap.

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A lot of people from my work tried the tablets and all had side effects but quit now 1 person wakes at half 5 every morning and the other feels sick a lot, I've not took anything just found my self eating and drinking constantly now as never feel full up after having a meal like I use to, today I felt really annoyed like every one was winding me up and felt like I needed to lash out on some one

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i think tbh its different for each person, but i find first 2 weeks hard then after that its gets a tad easier then it comes back in a second wave...once you beat the second wave youve pretty much done it and its not the craving wanting a smoke after that its just you being a goon when you have beaten the cravings, thing that annoys me mostly about stopping is your sitting there fine and see, smell, or even hear the word cigarete and your brain tells you that you want one when really you dont, all the best with quitting mate good thing to see and just stay strong it does go away after time, i should really start stopping....again !

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Yeah i was a right grumpy bastard when i was stopping, everyone and everything annoyed me, no matter how daft it was. And i was eating all the time as well.

It helps alot to keep busy though

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Ive tried quitting numerous times, longest I stopped for was 2 weeks haha, its pretty much the only reason i get a break at work so ive never really tried since.

Did try one of them fake fags ones, made me cough 3000x worse than any normal fag, and i used to smoke marlboro reds!

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I gave up each time when pregnant with my eldest 2 but then started again once they were born. With my third child though I was determined not to start again, she's 19 months now and still smoke free.

I found the first 2-4 weeks the hardest, I still get the urge to smoke now but the biggest motivator for me is my children's health and the money we save. I'd recommend putting what you'd usually spend on cigarettes in a jar and watch how quickly it mounts up

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I know I've only not been smoking for 3 days but I don't really crave when people are smoking around me its more when I know I would normally have one at a certain point in the day like lunch breaks etc, I can now smell people smoking from far away where as before I could hardly smell others smoking I'm quite determined to quit I know I would of normally spent around 4 quid every 2 days on baki now I'm spending around £20 a day on buying fast food and crisps and chocolate lol

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I honestly don't get why people smoke.

Agreed, but as a health professional in training I would haha

Good on those of you who have quit, I've seen some nasty long term effects

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I smoked for about 4 year... I decided to make a new start last year and quit smoking, started BrokenMedia and got a decent job lol... I think if you want to quit smoking you have to be motivated. I didn't like the person I used to be and changed my lifestyle and attitude completely to be honest.

My best advice would be to just do it off your own back, I didn't believe in using drugs or patches etc to "help" me stop smoking because I truly wanted to quit and replacing the habit with another substitute seems like the thing I would do if I didn't want to quit but had no choice... Don't look for praise, don't even praise yourself lol... You got yourself into the situation and it's down to you to get out of it. The first month is tricky but just keep yourself occupied. You have to believe you will do it and not question it. Avoid the times when you would most likely smoke, for example I used to smoke mainly when driving, so I stopped driving and started biking and jogging.

I wanted to be fitter, healthier, have more money, less of an attitude, not feel shitty all the time, less stress and at the same time like I said, started making videos and got myself a good job.... Been smoke free over a year now and it's been really really easy! So much easier than I expected and I'm so so glad that I did it. Completely changes you as a person not just your wallet ;).

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Half the things people have said theyve become or started doing since quitting are things i do without smoking.

Being grumpy, tetchy, stressy, binge eat, etc

Makes me wonder if i should take up smoking. Might help me loose weight as well haha!

In all seriousness good luck, will be worth it in the long run ;)

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I honestly don't get why people smoke.

i honestly don't get why people say this when they dont know anything about it....

smoking 17 years, its not as easy as you think.. its an addiction.. if i asked you to stop

modifying your car, would you...? if i asked you to stop breathing, would you...? if i asked

you to give up sex, would you...? if you dont understand something.. stop jumping onto subjects

you have no clue about....... im not defending smoking... ive gave them up loads of times but that

didnt work so i gave up trying to quit, so now i smoke less... being a mechanic it helps me think, otherwise

id have a load of punch holes in my garage... wish i never started tbh but most people just cant quit... its just

not that easy

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I've been smoking for around 10 years and only quit when me and my wife needed I.u.i treatment as I needed to be smoke free to pass the criteria and I must admit its the best thing I ever did but I only lasted 5 months , bad news on the treatment side of things and insanely stressful day at work and I found myself going and buying 20 that day and I've not stopped again since but I'm a slightly weird smoker so to speak I smoke alot at work but don't really smoke at home or when I'm with the wife but smoke while I'm driving go figure lol

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i honestly don't get why people say this when they dont know anything about it....

smoking 17 years, its not as easy as you think.. its an addiction.. if i asked you to stop

modifying your car, would you...? if i asked you to stop breathing, would you...? if i asked

you to give up sex, would you...? if you dont understand something.. stop jumping onto subjects

you have no clue about....... im not defending smoking... ive gave them up loads of times but that

didnt work so i gave up trying to quit, so now i smoke less... being a mechanic it helps me think, otherwise

id have a load of punch holes in my garage... wish i never started tbh but most people just cant quit... its just

not that easy

You should never assume things.

I was gonna add more to my post but I decided not too.

Course I know about smoking, and how hard it is to quit, and everything else that goes a long with it.

People say they feel better for having a smoke, yeah maybe's people do because your feeding your addiction.

I just don't get why people would want to waste a massive amount of money on something which is killing there health.

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