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WTF is Socks up to??

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Right i dont know how to say it so im just gonna come straight out with it!!


Look at the staff online!! Hes cloned himself!!! Hes building a 6'8" Army of sexy hairbears!!!!

Edited by shorty
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im on to you and your secret hairbear army now hun haha

and rob you probs would make money too! as people would join just to see what was so special.you hear bout that app that was called "the app that makes money" was £1000 a down load or something and did fook all haha, made the guy a fair bit of money though lol

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im on to you and your secret hairbear army now hun hahaand rob you probs would make money too! as people would join just to see what was so special.you hear bout that app that was called "the app that makes money" was £1000 a down load or something and did fook all haha, made the guy a fair bit of money though lol

wasn't that called im rich or something had a ruby as its icon, 5 people actually paid for it iirc, I had it also but I wasn't dumb enough to buy it lol!
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