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Fed up with Facebook

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Really getting annoyed with it now, its all the "like in three seconds if this is cute, ignore if you would let you mum die" theres good stuff on there too, like ukso and the memes but its being outweighed by the shit stuff.

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I just unsubscribe to anyone who posts shit. Lol

They stay in your friends list but you dont see any of the tosh that gets posted. And if its a like page that starts flooding, i just delete them!

Also if you have google chrome you can get an app that removes anything with a certain phase or words and posts pictures from an rss feed of pictures of your choise :). Its called unthingy me i think, they also have unbaby me so any time a baby gets posted up i just get pictures of cats (default) instead now haha

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I just unsubscribe to anyone who posts shit. Lol

They stay in your friends list but you dont see any of the tosh that gets posted. And if its a like page that starts flooding, i just delete them!

Also if you have google chrome you can get an app that removes anything with a certain phase or words and posts pictures from an rss feed of pictures of your choise :). Its called unthingy me i think, they also have unbaby me so any time a baby gets posted up i just get pictures of cats (default) instead now haha

That's really clever, need to check this out haha

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Yeah it's mainly full of shit nowadays, I Have a rule if you post shit I delete you and only keep the interesting/funny/important people. Or I just add loads of jap car pages so my news feed is full of car porn haha!

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^^ as above facebook is utter dog shit its for pedos, nosey bastards, fat single chicks, whores, attention seekers and some of the biggest shit stirrers to ever walk the earth,
Death to facebook it is nothing but pure evil

just my opinion of course no offence meant to anyone unless your in one of the categories above :p

Edited by russ78
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My daughter uses it and hasn't a fucking clue what to do when it's not available lol if she bad I simply just shut he Internet access off.... And she's completely immobile and doesn't know what to do with herself lol

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