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Everything posted by littlegreenmonster

  1. I had the same problem but i couldn't even reply to peoples posts or see my messages lol all sorted now though
  2. I know what tou mean bussy plus both Malaysia airlines planes ?? Either its fishy or they are seriously unlucky
  3. Stutgarts for me bud, i thought about a set of wheels like that (possibly the same ines) but decided against it
  4. I totally agree with addy on the war thing in terms of training and things like that our army is the best there is and our special forces are completely untouchable, i also agree with who ever said the pilot is at fault, it is a war zone and is also dead air space as such its well known that anything flying through there will be likely to be shot down, and the force that fired that missile really cocked up but if those pro russian millitants were so interested in it that they are guarding the site then i dont think it was them who shot it down personally. Just my thoughts i mean why would you
  5. Damn jo !!! And addy sir thaf is a legendary compilation !!
  6. I really want one but dont know the price or how to fit it lol
  7. Im sorry to hear about your loss mate, car is looking awesome buddy and im sure you will do him proud, infact you most probably already have
  8. Will do matey my nan got over breast cancer but unfortunately one of my best mates mother didnt and it all happen so quick as in 19 days quick
  9. He is gorgeous mate, well done to you and your missus cant wait to have one of my own with my other half
  10. Ask them for money off for the inconveniance and the fact you have been using public transport (ish) ;)
  11. Is ot definite smoke or consitering its on start up it could be condesation
  12. Just ignore her lol it cant be that bad can it ??
  13. Would these be too much for an n/a ??
  14. See i wanted this done on my n/a ready for boosting, not sure if there would be much point though
  15. Do it now !!! Your starlet was a slut, everyone wanted a go !!
  16. Alright guys, when is the bext one of these meets ?? We need another one very soon !!
  17. Im from a village inbetween maidstone and chatham so not far either bud
  18. See im living at home atm and so far have no intentions of moving out because i dont get moaned at or anything like that ( im practically 60 with my lifestyle anyway) so yeah thats my situation at home, everything is cheap plus my other half is working two jobs and everything but is also at uni so at this point in time moving iut would be a terrible idea for us to move out
  19. Hmmmm am tempted bu the head but i still think they are too pricey
  20. When are we goong to see this then ?! C'mon phil dont keep me waiting bud ;)
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