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Everything posted by addz

  1. White ones, keep them as they are.
  2. I'm not sure. If there is a convoy location would be nice to see if i can join.
  3. Very nice car indeed. Loving the top rear spoiler.
  4. addz


    Weather was nice on the Saturday of JAE.
  5. addz


    Been nice here, all day too.
  6. What is the quality like? Are they stuck on or placed in? Im also thinking about getting them from germany
  7. I am currently looking for mudflaps but don't know what to go for, plastic or rubber. I've seen these universals on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Toyota-Mudflaps-mud-...id=p3286.c0.m14
  8. Ditto, nor did i. At 20 almost 21 i regret it.
  9. You should be fine mate. What you studying?
  10. Lovely looking motor made. Nice and clean too
  11. Mines: add_911@hotmail.com
  12. Yep been thorpe park loadsa times, 15mins ish away from me.
  13. Nice motor ;) . Anything on the 1st & 2nd gear restriction? or what you might believe to be restriction
  14. Also went today, stayed for 3 hours. Feel sorry for the people who travelled miles, spoke to one chap on the Honda section he travelled from Ireland. I had a 250 mile round trip & think it was a waste of journey and £15. Nice cars there mind but the location, soo remote & deserted. Not surprised there wasnt a GREAT turn out. Weather was finee. All in all had to make a day out of it. Hope you campers have a good time, im sure thats where the funs at!! Some people there were smashed! Lol
  15. The Strood is covered with sea water and becomes unpassable for around an hour. Is that true or a load of bollox?
  16. I will be arriving on saturday and departing on saturday. Seeing that spaces are limited i might possibly come in my Corolla.
  17. Is it true Clifford alarms are hastle with problems? Also model numbers with makes. Thanks
  18. Which alarm do you guys recommened? Must be Cat 1. Not bothered too much about the price. Reliable & safe. Any other input would be great. Thanks in advance
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