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Everything posted by lobotomy

  1. When you're talking about image processors on cameras you can't really compare at this budget. But it all does make a difference.
  2. Also another point -- Which I've kinda found out after buying my girlfriend a camera: stick to cameras made by camera manufacturers! I bought a casio (known for digital bloody watches!) exilim for her which on paper seemed awesome, but all the "best shot" settings are pretty crap -- it does take good outdoor photo's and vids though. [edit] Also I've just done a bit of reading on the Olympus mate, and it has a threaded barrel so you can change lenses -- but they will only be a couple of camera specific lenses. Namely: WCON-07 Wide-Angle Conversion Lens TCON-17 Telephoto Conversion Lens
  3. Don't go in for cameras that say they have a good "nightmode" -- All the camera will do is fire the ISO up to maximum which will make the photo all grainy. All you need for good night photo's is a camera with exposure and aperature settings and a tripod. Also -- you won't be able to change any lenses on any camera that isn't a DSLR, that's why they're referred to as DSLR style. Plus if you're working to a tight budget interchangable lenses wouldn't make much dif because they cost more than the cam usually!
  4. I could be wrong but is that not the idle control valve?
  5. Put red wheels on and the 5-0 stop you for being a drug dealer... aint that right Geo?
  6. I've had my eye on a couple but another one that I liked has just been bought from under my feet. And right now I'm sharing my dad's old primera with my bro since my dad bought himself a spanking new avensis.
  7. I'm not a big fan of those wheels -- bit busy if you know what I mean? But yeah, looks crazy! It's got my vote!
  8. I tried to tell this to the people at elephant, the guy on the phone put me through to his supervisor who put me onto his spervisor. He explained to me that insuring your car this way was essentially fraud! I ended up getting a list of insurers off the internet and off the back of a jap performance magazine and phoned round them all. Got about 50 dinghy's then masterquote gave me the best quote!
  9. As the title suggests -- thought it might come in handy. SeaJays Postage Calculator Just put in the weight and it tells you all the costs and options.
  10. The one that my car had on it when I first bought it was welded on -- took me about 4hours to just get the filter off! Now it's pretty easy because it's changed so often, I just squeeze my childish sized hands between the ac rad and my fmic ipe et voila, oil change in 10min. It is a bit awkward though as you can't prime the oil filter all the way up in case it spills everywhere trying to get it back on, but I just pull the EFI fuse and turn the car over a few times till the oil light on the dash goes off.
  11. Hi Guys - yeah the MR2 is sold Which is a bugger! Don't know what I'm gonna do now, VAG is still an option, but might go for something else, we'll see. Need something for lot's of motorway driving!
  12. Hmm my dodgy japanese translations were wrong about the power I just assumed it was the t-sport engine with 180bhp Maybe the wee jap guys was 180bhp! The pic above is bronze, just a funny angle making it look silver I think! Lovely wheels!
  13. Yep factory TRD bodykit, it's hard to find details on but it's got a few TRD engine goodies, suspension... I like the fact it's got the tin-top too! ======================================================================== I'll keep you in suspense a little longer Si and give you the prices: 15" 5.0J +43 4 100 ¥16400 7.0J +38 4 100 ¥16800 16" 7.0J +36 4 100 ¥17600 My mate got his Works wheels from here and they reduced the vaule for import duty and shipping was reasonable. His 18" Works wheels cost him £700
  14. That's the one I'm swaying for right now! The only thing that's putting me off is the lack of power Suppose that's economical tho! Was thinking some nice Wedsports SA90's would suit it if I bought it! I know you've been looking for a set Si ;) I know where to get them cheap
  15. I think it'll be in a good home with Andrew going by his last car!! Now it's just a choice for me! Either: VM180 TRD limited edition MR Roadster: 1 of 100 made, it's got the rare appeal for me! Plus convertible for posing purposes! Maybe in a few months a nice supercharger kit will adorn it's 180bhp engine! or REVO'd Leon CupraR with 280bhp: There's a couple that I quite like, this one's been REVO'd to 280bhp but has kinda high milage for the age! or Anniversary Edition Golf GTi: VAG engine again, holds value quite well being the limited edition
  16. Reason I never posted it here is because I was trying to keep it quiet Plus I'm really not wanting to sell in my heart of hearts, but I need something a bit newer, comfier, more economical for a 80mi round trip to my new work! I've got some secret squirrel plans tho hopefully that might see me here still!
  17. Hey mate, Day to day the Glanza is a nice car to drive, the CT9 is a small turbo so power delivery is pretty smooth. I use mine to go to my work every day (20mi round trip) and it's fine! Fuel is ok if you don't go too heavy on the loud pedal. If the car is only lightly modded it shouldn't be a problem to be honest, the stock map can take mods up to fuel cut (~0.9BAR) then I'd suggest a piggyback fuel computer which removes fuel cut rather than the FCD route which just tricks the ECU.
  18. Try this page for TD04 info: TD04 info
  19. Also (mainly for the people running turbo engines) oil vapour reduces the octane number (and hence knock resistance) of fuel so if you're finding excess amounts of oil in the intake, beware of running high boost!
  20. The UKDM PS3 also only has software simulation for the backward compatible games, so if you're playing your PS2 games on it they either don't work, or don't look as good as the PS2! My mates got a PS3 and and HDTV and the games looks immense!! Also the new Grand theft Auto is coming out -- looks like more of the same with a russian guy this time, but more of the same is fucking excellent when it's GTA!!! My bro's got the XBox360 and it's pretty good, playing Xbox live is the best about it though! Even just the arcade games or poker!
  21. I like the look of these hybrids going about on TGTT (although there's one with bust oil seals already!) Plus you won't need to get a custom manifold made up for an odd turbo flange. My mate mapped a TD04 powered GT and he said it made him smile ear to ear, pulled from 2500 to the redline. He was impressed and he's running a 468BHP GT3540 GT4!
  22. Hey mate did you flex these bits back and forth until they moved freely? My mate made a point of telling me to do this when I was fitting my brakes last week.
  23. I'll cite this as it words it better than I could:
  24. From what I've read Tesco 99 is ok -- You have to remember though Higher RON is only for knock protection, nothing much else! VPower and the likes advertise better fuel economy because the add detergents and stuff to clean out your engine.
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