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Everything posted by scot-ish

  1. i will, because a/c is out at the same time, and the fmic is going in but it could be done without removing the bumper pendin on the where the screw head is for the jubilee clip, could do it from underneat, and fir the relocation kit in two parts, thats assuming you can get the filter in without moving bumper out
  2. im lookin to have the box around 60mm x 40mm and 20mm depth, here is my FCD to give you an idea of size oh, and ignore the 5th leg, i only built it like this, because the trimmer needed a 5v supply, and i used a signal generator, its now within the circuit, and has only 4 legs, like the hks examples cheers
  3. its a box the same as the hks fcd, its a project ive done, little mini one, ive made my own FCD, cost £3.50 lol, and now i need to design a box that i would put it in so to look like this, but the POT hole to be bout half that size
  4. well, its a long shot, but i could do with some1 drawing me up a box, basically the same as the hks FCD, as im shite with these programmes, aint got much time for it, as im busy with other things, and would be greatly apreciated if some1 is a whizz and could make one up for me. as said, i know its a long shot, but hey, its still a shot lol cheers
  5. ive read its 40mm now, but my kit is 38, so its gunna be acunt to get on, and aprently 40mm is hard to get on whilst the tubby is on the car, people have said 42mm gives a good fit if your fitting it with the tubby on the car
  6. i think the ct9 inlet is 38mm, well my relocation kit is 38mm
  7. who do you work for? im thinkin bout going to the rigs, pending on the £££ who do you work for mate?? im a marine engineer aswell, engineer, and qualified Electro-Technical Engineer aswell
  8. yup, once you get it removed, if you get it done well, it dont show up the scar normally, but it doesnt take the sun like th rest of you, so is noticeable in the summer, but when i get mine completely removed, i will just be tattoo-ing over it anyways lol
  9. does it store the map from the last car like?? i have fitted mine, and jsut set it to monitor, and doesnt seem to have changed nothing, ive not set it up yet either
  10. tattoos are cool, but i would say think about it before you go get it. i rushed one when i was young, got my back and chest triballed, and now im gettin it removed, is costing over a grand to have it removed because its black, then i will get a full jap story on my back, dont get anything that cant be covered with sleaves and a collar, otherwise you severely restrict yourself throughout life, i know there being accepted now, but it will be 10-15 years before employers dont look down on you in an interview, for having ink, so play ti safe, and dont let them see it till youve got the job lol
  11. scot-ish


    heres my choccy lab, hes a nut job, gundog, fully trained, just bout trial standard, but dont have time to work him now, so hes got lazy, and thinks the whistle is only for when he decides to hear it lol
  12. the fan is all the time because the AC is gone
  13. i'll have another one lol, got bout 6 in the house i got from the club, but can never have enough pint glasses lol
  14. im just about to set mine up myself, but im using a wideband with it, and would suggest you dont touch it unless you have a wideband for it. there are a few places local to us who will do it, for you
  15. use a blow torch lightly, ive split 106 ones, i started at 80, and think went to 120 until i split them is this a new ep91?? just i know of one that just sold up your way, and there is another reason there discoloured inside
  16. sounds suss having another one
  17. what were they brakes like iddy?? much fade? do you have braided hoses with them? or a bmcs?? cheers
  18. thats a bit long winded for what he wants, just tell vodafone when your ending your contract, you want the PAK code, the contract with o2 will start with a new number, and once vodafone release the PAK code to you, go into o2, give them the code, or im sure it can be done by fone, and they will tell you to turn of your contract at a certain time for a few hours, and when you turn it back on, your back on the old number you had. this is what my gf done 2 months ago, changing from voda to an o2 contract
  19. heres my missus, bad quality of pics from the webcam on her laptop lol, as she is at sea just now, and i can get any decent pics till she is back, but you get the jist of it will replace soon lol and her back
  20. so he can pretend to his mates that it is mph, and that his car is really fast lol
  21. here http://www.tm-developments.com/index.php?m...products_id=145
  22. is half the price to convert it to mph and then cut the speed limit aswell,
  23. must be summit up with your fuckbucket lol, looks tidy
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