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Everything posted by ShafzC

  1. ^ It's almost too low to use around london, means I can't run a splitter at all haha, love the stance though, looks epic alongside my mates Polo 6N (Lowered 60mm) Shafz.
  2. I got em off someone who already had them in a 5 door N/A! So the rails were already modded and was a straight swap! 20 mins in the dark They're epic, such a big difference, get some man! Shafz.
  3. Bump.. Updates coming towards the end of this Month And I'm loving the GT seats, all my mates are calling shotgun now haha! Shafz.
  4. Needs more low (Well I would say that!) Looks sick! Loving the smoothed bonnet and grille! I wanna do the grille on mine but I'm too scared haha 6P3FTW Great progress though, speedlines suit it! Shafz.
  5. Oooh Stratty! East London?, best of luck mate, hope you get it, that's a lot of money too.. Great news man! Shafz.
  6. Recent pics.. Me vs. Amjad AND his brother ;) : Me vs. Amjad/His brother playing as a team I guess: Just a recent game of Domination... : Haha, getting bored of black ops now.. Shafz.
  7. Passed driving test Passed AS levels Realised the girlfriend I have is one I'd want to stay with forever Modified the starlet a bit more Lost some close friends Made some more Realised whos true and whos a fake lil b*stard Had some good times Roll on 2011! Shafz.
  8. 1. JAp_luVa 2. Lowridaah 3. brad_106 4. ShafzC 5. ^ I have glanza pics but no way to transfer them, unless my mates take pics of it for me :\ Shafz.
  9. To show why he wants a diesel now + is selling his Glanza probably.. Shafz.
  10. ^ I've seen them vids, my mum actually drives faster than you, no joke :| Shafz.
  11. Holy insomniac batman! Nice new sig too! Wind deflectors look epic, I kinda want 5 door ones but not sure if they'd go , cars coming along nicely, can't wait till you get that plate on! Shafz.
  12. Ah damn I'd love to, but I'm broke now too much spending recently :\ I may just get a black glanza spoiler anyway, fancy a change.. Thanks anyway mate, Shafz
  13. @LukeSR I had a TTE Spoiler in black, but it got stolen/ripped off the car when I left it unattended for 2 days.. @Anup67 I tried to remove the toyota starlet but I'm not sure if you can see, but the paint was flaking off under the 'starlet' as I heated it up, its cause when my mum reversed into a bollard 6 years ago and they put on a new bootlid/resprayed, the paint they used was stupidly thin Anyways.. FITTED PICS! My mum even likes them, she went tesco's this morning and came back and was like.. wow they're so much better! So comfortable blablabla I sit lower down but I'm used
  14. Holy sh*t dude.. wow just wow. You're so lucky to be here.. wow I'm in shock, just how anyone can survive that, mate you're so lucky! As said above, cars can be replaced, you can't, glad you're still here and wish you on a speedy recovery mate. Shafz.
  15. All fitted! No pics as its too dark/my blackberry doesn't have a flash Pics tommorow though! Love em, so damn supportive haha, you sit lower down too, feels so fassttt! Pics from this morning.. Shafz.
  16. Update.. hehehehe Thanks Anup67! Nice meeting you Shafz.
  17. I got a new sub for xmas off the gf, so the EDGE won't be in there much longer haha, ouch on the cracking though! Shafz.
  18. @Drongo EDGE Sub! haha I have one too, is yours the 10" or the 12"? Shafz.
  19. Your avatar looks a lot better.. smoother ride tbh. And yeah I wanna wash it a little before tommorow but this weather'd ruin it in seconds anyway! Shafz.
  20. I saw this on a couple other forums and thought might aswell start one up here! So what's lurking in your boots guys? I have a couple bodies of guys who owed me money... Nah, 12" subwoofer, tire inflator, spare steelie, side strips. Let's try get this started, sorry if theres already a topic like this! Shafz.
  21. But it's 6P3 Haha thanks guys, and Anup hopefully you'll be seeing it tommorow Shafz.
  22. My V's got 250bhp/818kg and though it devours most cars in a straight line, around a corner its useless, I've fiddled with the suspension and it cannot get rid of a 230bhp slightly heavier EK9 around SSR5. Shafz.
  23. Who's sending who one so I know who to gift to? ShafzC Shafz.
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