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Everything posted by lottie

  1. whoop ;) if u just have a glanza... and i will have a gt then we got the best of both worlds
  2. Prob be Leanne. Don't think she on the forum though And Liam seriously man up! Lol
  3. nope not me im afraid matey lol
  4. Yh they will be back on after pay day these are only temp Bon lol
  5. Shh that's only for you. You big hunk of man ;)
  6. Ahh it's different I think that's what I like and Chris u can't mix business with pleasure dear ;) X
  7. Hey don't go dissing my STARLET on a starlet owners forum gimp! Lol
  8. Jack no one wants your shitty civic there!
  9. Chris if it's all going down naked why would we need spare clothes? Silly boy x
  10. aww who cares just gotta get down and dirty! all fun =P
  11. not much of an update but had brake pads changed finaly and had a lovely day with mr christopher and mr adam while doing this and changing my whees for the times being as the drive down to japfest wouldnt have been great on my tyres and cant afford any till payday so chris has lent me his for the time being.... how lovely of him ;) wasnt sure how the colours where gunna work but i have actually fallen in love with it! lol
  12. great base u got there looks so clean! lol
  13. ohh my god!!! How very fucking rude of you! Calling me a gay lord aswell! Volger! I'm going to wash that mouth out with soap when I next see you! Now stop spamming Liam's thread! Liam we will be there xxx
  14. oh yeah thats right u just invite yourself why dont u!!! not doing em sunday now though dear. doing them monday x
  15. If I come will also be later as don't finish work till 1 and need to sort my brakes and tyres before I go anywhere preferably x
  16. Lol what just so she brings Krispy Kremes lol. U cant just use her! lol
  17. Ah that's fine. I'm sure I've got your postcode somewhere ;) and no mark Ryan just forgot to take me off this list.. Just to make it seem like more people where going with him ;P Love you really Ryan lol x
  18. ryan no one wants to join your silly little convoy ok!
  19. these look awesome! i want one! ..... please
  20. ha dont feel like that..... mine is dinted all down the drivers side from a hit and run! lol
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