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Everything posted by lottie

  1. aww thats alright then lol felt like i had let u down then! lol. yh if i cant get it through dads name then im wanting end of september to hurry! shame its gunna miss japfest and jae if thats the case . enjoy the shedlet on friday though Cheers johnx2 n rob! really happy with it xox
  2. what u mean ahh so it was me? lol. cheers though dude might have to give this a go. adams already trying to take them off me lol cheeky bugga! hopefully if can get insurance sorted u can see it during japfest aswell as after fingers crossed! i love the black in the middle. people seem to love it or hate it atm but i like the difference lol. lenso's sorry but really not my cup of tea. not a silver person either. so when its on the road my grids will be going on for the mean time and then once my volks are sprayed be replaced with them. so the lensos will be up for sale for sure! god kn
  3. my current insurer wont insure me on anything over 120bhp till im 21 and i get 3 years in september so dont really wanna loose the 10 or whatever months i have just built up to start again. but in september its only 900 summing quid for the year. dads gunna see if he can sort something out till then though so lets hope! cant have it looking at me everytime i go out like oh ok not gunna drive me today again then and it would mean i would have to go in the n/a to japfest and jae if i cant get it insured till sep x
  4. Yeah it is ended up getting it for £1780! so happy with it! just wish i didnt have to wait till september to drive it
  5. Right guys! Here we go again.... as some of you know i already have an n/a but i was fed up of truggling everywhere and i have wanted a GT for a VERY long time! So. this one came up for sale yesterday mid day and i decided to have a look and ended up buying it last night! Got an absolute steal for it! couldnt be more happy! Anyway u dont wanna hear all this crap so lets get to the spec and pics Item Description: 1995 Starlet GT Turbo - White Mileage - 151k (93kish miles) Original Japanese History Engine Greddy Emanage Blue + Harness Kit Remapped by The Racing Line (Halifax) 176.2 bhp HK
  6. haha i was gunna say the same thing but thought i best not haha!
  7. haha thats amazing! trust u ryan to find that vid with your fave song on
  8. im game if i can pop in someone else car lol. and u recon i could get in for under 7 i am officialy poor if u didnt guess haha!
  9. was a good day and so glad weather turned out okay got more vids on the strip than pics though lol x
  10. liam is no one has that pass by tomorrow let me know and i might have it even though cars nothing to show lol
  11. haha he is an absolute legend! will have to read through them all at some point oh and he also got two books...... 'the internet is a playground' and 'i'll go home then, its warm and has chairs'
  12. I'm not as I've been told to stay away from people so I don't give them my aided disease would love to have got out the house as ain't left the bed since Wednesday
  13. Assuming I ain't working will find out on Monday. But yeah I'm in as always me ode chums much love. Peace out! Xxx
  14. Yeah I know he has but still wanted to say it was awesome lol. Quite depressing really but he should so do it again!!
  15. just for everyones knowing this is what adam is willing to lick........ :/ oh and adam mum said get practicing!
  16. never asked matt! lol and i do behaive myself thank you very much!!!!!!
  17. haha i didnt get any missed calls off anyone so obv wrote the number wrong
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