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Everything posted by kbond

  1. Damn that looks good! Loving the wheels and the spoiler, set it off nicely! I recon a black frount mount would look the tits on this!
  2. Why havent these sold yet!!! They looked awesome when i saw them! Really wish i had the money for another set of wheels
  3. How could water be getting into the engine? Could it do alot of damage I rebuild my engine back in september and its been like it ever since
  4. Mine also smokes like this!Mine is more white than blue though but does it all the time cold or hot
  5. "property of kbond, if found please return"
  6. Have you got ct9 turbo? My old wepr kit was external wastegate and went back into the downpipe could have a look at getting one of those
  7. Thats me mate You stalking me haha
  8. I want! Insurance this month though Definatly next month though
  9. That sounds awesome mate! Wish mine sounded like this!
  10. Arent the quad indicators different though as they have the painted part around the edge?
  11. If your only running standard boost atm then i suggest forget about the td04 get some decent management (emanagement blue or ultimate) upgrade bits like fuel pump and and manifold and up the boost to 1bar with a decent map. Will make a hell of a difference and can reach near 200hp No point going td04 unless your going to pay for everything else aswell
  12. Where do you mean at either pillar as ive taken the pillar plastics off and cant see anything there? Tbh there cant be that many bolts as it moves so much
  13. Was wondering where all the bolts and bits were that hold the dash in cause the previous owner of my car is a fucking tit and have bodged everything up! The whole thing just rattles all the time and it is really starting to get on my nerves! And i dont no how much more kicking and punching it can take lol Cheers Keiran
  14. Paid for my dad aswell Cant wait now! Lol see you all there
  15. Ok cheers bud will get that paid for later as well
  16. Would my dad be able to come in his evo 6?
  17. The seats are so comfortable! Been looking at getting some more lol i miss them so much! Dont go for black go for something nice and bright like orange again! We will have to have a starlet meet around our area soon, everyone seems to be miles away from us lol
  18. I may be looking at getting a different fmic to make my pipework even shorter, but would i need to get it mapped again after? As ive only just got it mapped at tuning developements (october) I have a small intercooler already that is set to the side for short pipework but if it can be shorter then i want it Cheers keiran
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