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Nanglebadgers work in progress

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Joel's decal update reminded me I hadn't updated with my newest acquisition! Silly me!

Once again, this has been courtesy of LukEP, I honestly can't sing his praises enough, his work is perfection!

So, to paraphrase Judas Priest, "I'm your Turbozilla!"


And today I fitted the Pivot Speedreader hoping that it would make me hurry up and have it wired in!!!! also, it has taken me since Christmas to decide on this location for it!!!!!


And yesterday I paid for the Apexi Oil and Water temp gauges that Riko secured for me, schweeeet!


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cheers raffi dude!

I've messgaed Paul Glzv about gettin some new winter tyres for the speedies next week, then i can paint up the last speedie and have all matching winter wheels again! happiness!!!

It also appears that Jay has secured me a WEPR hot side pipe so that should tidy that jumbled piping up VERY well and complete the WEPR kit.

AND...despite paying for the two gauges from Riko, and ordering winter tyres, it was meeeee who bought that smoothed anthracite rocker cover...i know, i shouldnt have, but it will match the wheels PERFECTLY and i do miss my old rocker cover so i wanted something a little subtle (to keep Jay happy) but still pretty badass!!! and this should look perfect!


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Dang-nab-it...im supposed to be curbing back on the big expenidtures on the car now that there is little left to do so i can get my ass a house/apartment, this month was meant to be fresh winter tyres...but NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, i have to go and take a head stagger dont i!!!! i suck.


4 of the 5 speedlines have been left with Lester Engineering today for a repair and refurb in anthracite, they should be ready next friday and then they're goin for fresh winter rubber. the 5th one will probably get done over the winter sometime, not important.

i took them out yesterday to get them ready for takin for tyres, inspected the spray job and it just wasn't up to the Team Clean standards, so they had to go to the pros, i couldnt help myself...plus my mum said "life's too short to spend spraying your own wheels"...which meant, "shut up and take them to Lester"...lol...

so, as-new speedies comin for winterz!


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bastarding drivers front ContiSport split the sidewall!!!!!!!!!

and I've been doin ***cough motorway speeds cough*** in and out of work today!!!! fuck me if that had gone i'd have been upside down over the central res!!! lucky lucky prick i am today! i just happened to notice after having the dog at the vet, walkin past the car, this big gash in the middle of the side wall...looked closer, rolled the car back and the damn sidewall was openin up most of the way round!!! WHT THE F**K! those tires did like 4 months last season and have only been on this year since easter! what kind of life span is that!!!!! peices of shit!

so, Mark to the rescue as always, i have swiped two of his Momo Corse 15s and slapped them on the front, nose high FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not amused. and with the speedies being away for a refurb its all sorts of giggles!!! thankfully new rubber for the speedies has been ordered and should be here next week, but i wasnt expecting to have to shell out for new rubber for the 14s anytime before or during next season!!! prick tires.

Continentals are bollox. Period. Never touching them again.

so no doubt she'll handle like all sorts of poo until the speedies are refurbed, wrapped and fitted. it also means running the winter tyres for longer than was intended as i'd planned to run the Rays until MOT in October, so more wear and tear on the new speedie tires FOR MORE WINZ!!!

prick bastardin tires.

rant over.

that is all.


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