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Try This Drink Next Time Your Out On The Booze

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It was the Green one i had,

And know I've never heard of it before haha was pretty smashed last night so just went into the club and asked them for there strongest shot! And they gave me that £4 it cost me haha

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ive heard of it, think it may be this drink or a different one that my mate had with a couple of his mates in wetherspoons and the person behind the bar said "if you spew, you clean it up" :lol:

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damn straight it is :lol: pretty awesome though too

a good shot is the good ol liquid cocaine :)

bacardi 151, jager and peppermint liqueur (if ya really keen substitute the jager for absinth) its a wicked head killer :p

OR if your after a mellow tasting cocktail that will knock anyone out after a good few of them hit this blend up

1 shot each of

midori, malibu, vodka, bacardi (regular or 151 depending on how smashed u wanna end up) and blue curacao in a tall glass with ice and a can of redbull on it

it sounds kinda horrible but i found it is a pretty epic drink and takes only a few to get ya pretty much wasted

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lol where have you been, its not a secret though it is nasty nasty stuff!

If you want to remember your night i suggest only 1 shot of that on top of whatever else your drinking :lol:

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wow u guys make me feel old, we were drinkin this way back before i was in uni! and that was like 8 years ago.

yes the real stuff has hallucinagenic properties due to the stuff its made from, and I belive there was some law passed stating that u can only be served a maximum of 3 shots of it in any one nite. it is baaaaaaaaaaaaaad shit!

but a nice colour!


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Yeah same here, drinking it years ago. Bought my mate some for his 21st, 89.9% abv (as 90+ is illegal)

The stuff was silly strong, i used a little to fire blow and ended up with a mouthful of ulsers from holding it in my mouth

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behind the times or what lol. I've got a bottle of the 89% stuff. tells ya specificaly on the bottle not to drink neat.

your meant to put a small amount in a glass and then dissolve a cube of sugar by driping water onto it through an absinth spoon.

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Sorry everyone haha!! I'm not your everyday drinker so never knew of the stuff haha! :lol:

I can barely remember anything anyway.

The only thing i can remember is walking back to the car at 3am, and this girl fell of this Wall type thing and Face Planted the floor, But she didn't just hit the floor and stop, Her face like slid about a foot across the car park and her face was fucked haha!

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