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NEW fast and the furious 6! what did you think??

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  • 3 months later...

what did you think of this movie then?

I went to see it last week and thought it was SHIT!

the begging made it promising with the GTR and the muscle but sadly died after that.

was just a gun and fighting film that went on for ages...

no other jap cars I seen well apart from the little meet vin went to with the scooby on its side, that was it is all about but ended quickly at that!

bmw as the chaser cars no more civics haha

then to finish it! jason statham is the next one.....GREAT! :(

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As a lead on film from the rest it was disappointing.

If they were start it on as a fresh film then yeah it was a good film but knowing what's happened in previous ones and knowing what the films can be like then it was shit!

Bit of a waste of a night out really :(

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I was so disappointed with Fast & Furious 6. Its a stunt film now and the stunts arent even realistically possible most of the time. Just a load of shit really there was some smart cars but Dodge have clearly got them on the payroll, it was like a fucking dodge expo with there latest range of pish vehicles. Fed up with it and the end clip was the final straw with Jason Statham. Why are they bringing that bellend in, I thought for a split second they were going back to the whole Japan scene but no. I want to see Japanese cars and loads of them not tuned black out M5's, get more imaginative that that geez.

Oh and for the record Toretto's superman over the bridge to catch Letty mid flight was just FUCKING RIDICULOUS!!

Its a shame because the first 2 were brilliant, I was even a fan of Tokyo drift! 5 was decent but they need a fresh cast thats what I liked about Tokyo drift...even though the main character was a redneck bastard.

Edited by WilkieGT
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Seen this sunday gone was disappointed aswell and there's going to be another so far fetched but sure that's what its all about I suppose love the mk 2 escort pity it sounded like a f1 car any one cop the kp 60 starlet

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Seen this sunday gone was disappointed aswell and there's going to be another so far fetched but sure that's what its all about I suppose love the mk 2 escort pity it sounded like a f1 car any one cop the kp 60 starlet

ahhhh I said to my self is that a starlet... you seen a close up of the back/ little bit of the side??

sure i thought that was a starlet as well...

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i loved it!

lets face it they have always been far fetched, closing down streets for races, what cars could actually pull a safe that big!?, they all walk away from those crashes with only scratches.... if you dont like it because of this then you should of stopped watching them awhile ago really.

i expect cheesy chase scenes that could never happen, bit of violance, and cringe worthy referances to 'being a family' .... this delivered so i was happy :)

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Bit OTT for my liking on some stuff, kinda mixing a bit of die hard into it lol. Like said before, nothing compared to the first one which was brill. But wasn't too bad, think everyone liked the comedy bits though :)

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Watched it the other week, good film.

I went kinda off them after the first one though, I think they should have stuck to more about racing and the cars.

Now there just about missions, pitching stuff etc.. and hardly any racing..

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I enjoyed it lol :p. Maybe has gone a bit far, stealing DVDs to stealing 100 million to fighting the biggest badass in the world lol... Where else would you expect it to lead though. Can't just have film after film of street racing...... I liked it. Met my expectations :)

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If It stays in Tokyo it might be called tokyo drift 2 but I think it will just start off in there and move to a different country

I hope that's how it goes because I don't want to see DKs stupid face again

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