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I can completely understand, the rents went on holiday for a fortnight and it was bliss, having you own space it great! But crippling any form of excitement by moving out is something im not willing to do :lol:

Yeah if I'd stayed at my parents id have more than half the money towards my forged build lol

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i remember being at the joinery place making sheperd huts and a friends missus has council house and a baby and she was getting almost 800 a month to sit there doing nothing and speaking of work am off now 5 - 5am delivering pizzas to pissed up uni students probably lol :/ and the worst bit is i know when i get taxed its practically going in her back pocket -.- i wanna get into a secure job or a contract one with holidays have about 1200 - 1500 a month doing 5 or 6 days like everyone else , i have qualifications in it national diploma btec etc couldnt afford uni and still cant get anywhere ah well , talk to you at 5 in morning ;) night lads

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Im a bus driver, not a great job but decent money for what it is, £10.08 or something like that, around 40-45 hours a week, usually around £350 a week after tax.

Have to agree about the stuff with folk on benefits, its just wrong imo. See it all the time on the buses, folk with free passes etc who dont even need it, i know theres illnesses etc that you cant pick up on unless you were told about them, but you can guarantee that 75% dont need it at all.

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I used to work as a fire alarm and smoke ventilation engineer until I realised my boss didnt have a clue about the job but was making a mint paying me pennies and was just a general twat.!

I then decided to open my own company doing the same thing and all of the clientele stayed with me as they knew it was me doing the work..

18 months later and a lot of hard work and things are $$$$$ ing in :)

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I'm a Pipefitter for BAE Systems working on the Astute Class Submarines. My basic is £15 p/h, 30% on top of that for nightshift.

Overtime rates are time and half on Saturdays and double time on a Sunday.

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I've just worked out what i spend a week. On fixed bills for cars (tax fuel mot insurance) phone.

They are the only fixed out goings i have, due to a dont pay rent but save towards a house basis. (Thankyou rents)

It comes to about £85, with nothing going wrong, a week, this leaves me £200-220 a week (savings come out of this as well) i can garrentee i couldn't afford to live on my own with this much and still have both my cars and mod them or have the social life or holidays i enjoy.

Independence costs unfortunately :/

Which is why I'm going to kill my parents and take there house. I joke. But I earn a fair whack of money for a 24 year old, and at the end of some months after bills and everything I'm still brassic!

Hence why I'm breaking my turbo'd Altezza and contemplating selling the V. Hmm...

But I pay enough tax for someone to live on a month (eating tesco 10p noodles mind you) and petrols constantly going up. My rents live 100 miles from me so its rare I visit, once a month at most.

TBH I think the current benefits system is a complete joke. If it was proportionate they would barely have enough to live on, which would be ideal, it would push them into getting a job anyway (or dying) and pay off our deficit.

Edited by Addymk2
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Im a car valater at the moment part time and earning £60 a week its not alot but i saved up and bought my starlet with the money and have been working there since i was 14 im at college the rest of the days now studying renewable energy engineering but hopefully next year moving on to HND petroleum engineering as renewable energy is a bit off a piss take at the moment.

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I moved out of my parents house about a year ago, best thing i ever did but fucking hell its hard sometimes. I'm living on apprentice wages atm, which are not great. But doing a shit load of overtime and doing homers gets me by. Also a bit of burglaring every now and then...

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Im an apprentice mechanic

Love where im working at the minute as its a smaller garage with just myself,the owner and one other fella,so i get to do basically everything while boys in my course are struggling to get job cards for brake pads lol.

The pay is absolutely fucking abbismal,but i suppose i should just be thankful im working with the way the economy is at the minute.

Completely agree with the benefits thing aswell,in some cases i.e people who have been laid off and literally cannot find work at the minute then i understand them,but the wee goats who just sit about being ballbags all day and appearing on jeremy kyle really fuck me off when i only get a very slight bit more for working a 40 hour week

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im an electrician so money is quite good tbh, but can be bloody hard work some days. i subcontract to another company and have for around 4 and a bit years now so works quite stable. started out doing shop refits and money was awesome but work died out around 5 yearas ago and although its picking back up id not go back to all the traveling and staying away.

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I'm a stay at home mum right now but previously worked in customer service for an energy provider, was good pay considering it required no formal qualifications(the interview process and tests were hard work though) I was earning just over £20k for a 37 hour week

To those complaining about benefits, do you actually know how much unemployment benefit people receive? I just did a quick calculation for a single person over 25 living in my area in a 1 bedroom property they would get £71 job seekers allowance, £74 in housing benefit and £14 in council tax benefit so £159 per week. That same person working 40 hours for minimum wage after tax would receive £216 per week.

£71 a week to cover all your bills besides rent and council tax, plus feed yourself and get back and for to job centre to sign on and get to interviews is not alot

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I used to be a landscape gardener last year and it was a piss easy job, sat on ride on lawn mowers and dug holes in the sun with ice cold drinks lol. Paid just over £7ph and the freedom was endless to be honest... I'm now Assistant Manager at National Tyres on a 16k salary plus a bonus every month that varies from £200 to £600, holiday perks, sick days paid and any travel costs etc lol. It's busy work but really nice to run the branch, make the sales, work on cars and have the bonus to work for etc. Plus it's quite easy to work your way up after Assistant Manager and the pay rises are nice ;). Plus opens up chances for other managerial jobs or mechanic jobs in the future... It's a good laugh and the company really look after you providing you pull your weight and meet targets.

But before that, Gardener, Salesman, Mechanic, Internet sales manager, Delivery driver and Shop Assistant lol. Oh and building marquees!

Plus, BrokenMedia and side jobs at the weekend :p.

Money is there if you have the motivation to work for it. Don't agree with benefits at all to be honest lol.

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I'm only 23 and to alot of you guys u would class me as raking it in as I do earn decent money with a company car etc. but I'm also married and have my own house and I recon 1k minimun gets sucked up straight away every month just on mandatory bills rent , council tax , food etc etc and I worked bloody hard to get up the ladder to get where I am now , where as if I still lived at home with the rents and earning the money I'm earning then my gt would already be like 300bhp lol I think no matter what your situation u don't always have the spare cash to do what u want with there are responsibilities out there that have to be met first before our toys

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As above to be honest, some poeple might say I'm raking it in but saving hard.

I'm 21 and work for crew transfer company running workers out to wind farms on multi million pound catamarans, I do 4 weeks on 2 weeks off and clear around 140 a day so I many ukso lovers terms that's mostly for my monster build that is currently under way.

I didn't finish school and didn't even think about college or uni I've worked at sea for years and done as many courses as possible

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My first job with the company I work for now was in their call centre, it was started on £16k a year which wasn't great considering I had pay £180 to get to work each month. I put a lot effort in, went on courses etc and was promoted to a supervisor. Last June a position came up for a six month secondment to their Legal & Compliance department, I had to take a pay cut while I was on the secondment (I was down about £350-£400 a month in bonuses). I worked hard while on the secondment and got offered a permanent position in November. Now I'm on £22K a year doing 37 hours a week, with all sorts of perks. I've found the more effort you put in the more you get noticed and the more opportunities arise. I've just been offered an Open University course paid by the company.

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I work as lead climber for a tree surgery company, so that's 8 hours of climbing a day, obviously at height with chainsaws, rigging, using cranes, working in super dangerous trees often in close proximity to power lines etc. I'm 32 and have worked my way up to where I am now paying for all of my 15 odd NPTC qualifications (£500-£1000 a pop) and I'm still only taking home £10 an hour, get near on 6 weeks payed holiday a year but its still a pittance for the risks I take! I do love my job but its wreaking my body and it just winds me up how pay scales are set in this country! Wages are lower where I come from and I could travel to earn more competitive rates for my industry......but why the fuck should I? Don't get me started on the joke that is our benefits system! In short.......don't get into tree work! But I hear spitting out kids and moaning about a bad back payes pretty well?

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