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Looks like no japfest

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Well this week has been shit,

To start it i was in an accident whit a cyclist, a cyclist smash straight into the side of me. He had no helmet and had his phone in his left hand so he only used his front brake which chucked him into the rear passenger side window and landed face first on the road. He sadly passed away last night. The police took my glanza like they do on every serious accident and wont have it back till tuesday and i just don't feel like driving. There are dints all down the side where is bike smashed into. He must of been doing over 20 mph from the size of the dints. I just cant get my head around it so i wont be making japfest. :'(

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F**k man sorry to hear that bud u must feel gutted. :/ was the guy on the phone or what. thats the worst posible outcome ever. plus your cars been taken from u. that is a shit week mate i thought mine was bad but that tops it ten times over.

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Yeah he was on his phone he was coming down a massive hill but if he had a helmet on he would of survived.

I just cant believe it, i just don't feel like driving or anything. If im found to fault the most will be a 6 month ban but it would more than likely be a fine and points.

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Sorry to hear that mate its never good when setting like that happens try not to let it get u down to much which I know probably sounds daft at the moment mate but keep ya chin up

How can u be found at fault mate it wasn't u on the blower cycling

Edited by pick1
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^^^ agreed mate the last thing u do is cycle on the road whilst in traffic on the phone. Just need to tryin get on with it as hard as it may sound. just keep your chin up.

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Bloody hell sorry to hear what happened.

I HATE with a passion to see cyclists (or people driving) with headphones in. Think it's so dangerous, can't hear sirens etc. sometimes it is the cyclist at fault not the driver. unfortunately a person is always going to come off worse than a vehicle :/

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Hope you are alright bud! Can totally understand what your going through, ive had a slightly similar incident, a man walked out in front of me when i was driving a bus, he never even looked and i had no time to stop and i hit him. Thankfully his injuries were only minor and i was found not at fault at all, but its the single worst thing ive ever experienced.

The best thing to do is get back on the road as soon as you can and get your confidence back bud! I hope everything turns out ok for you.

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Fuck that's terrible, can't imagine how you feel but completely understandable why you wouldn't want to drive. It happened to my friend who hit a woman standing in the motorway, and she didn't survive. Not really his fault but the car was seized for two years, when he got it back, it was sold straight away. You just have to do what feels right for you, but I hope at least they do find you innocent

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Well this week has been shit,

To start it i was in an accident whit a cyclist, a cyclist smash straight into the side of me. He had no helmet and had his phone in his left hand so he only used his front brake which chucked him into the rear passenger side window and landed face first on the road. He sadly passed away last night. The police took my glanza like they do on every serious accident and wont have it back till tuesday and i just don't feel like driving. There are dints all down the side where is bike smashed into. He must of been doing over 20 mph from the size of the dints. I just cant get my head around it so i wont be making japfest. :'(

sorry mate, but i would be in bits if this happened to me!

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fuck man thats brutal.

chin up bud, u wernt on the fone so dont worry.

it was his time to go, as cruel as it sounds, these things do happen, u just need to stop it from gettin to u.

u need to chat, uv got a full site of people who will help u on here mate

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