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Pros and Cons of removing Air Con?

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I was 100% sure I was going to remove my air con before I fit my TD04 Kit.

But after the recent heat wave that hit the UK shores this weekend gone, I'm now having second thoughts.

If I decide to keep it, how difficult would the td04 kit be to fit, compared to if I removed the a/c?

Let me know what you think. Remove or not to remove?

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Less weight, more power but just a little warmer in summer... So what! Haha


lol. True. I think I'm just too used to using the a/c in my daily driver. I only use the starlet at weekends, so I guess having no a/c isnt too bad.

There is only pros :D

I dont think there would be enough room for a TD04 kit with AC still there.

I remember reading a thread not so long ago, and a UK member fitted one but kept his a/c. I guess the members from the hotter countries must still keep it when they fit bigger turbo kits?

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Oh yeah forgot sacha does them.

Well I took mine out a long time ago, rather wish I didn't in some ways but things like that always play on my mind about weight and the pump weighs about 8kg maybe even more. That's a hell of a lot of weight for just a small shitty pump.

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I removed mine so now have a front mounted air filter and other benefits, but yeah you can buy a smaller condenser and keep it. Id have preferred that, as may increase the cars value when it eventually gets sold

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Leave it in lol what the fuck is a few kilos gonna do to the performance ? It's not like you are racing it is it?? I wish if left mine in that's for sure...

All these people saying take it out lol just to save a few kilos so they think they're car might go a bit faster lol.

If you can fit a bigger turbo and leave it why not?

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Leave it in lol what the fuck is a few kilos gonna do to the performance ? It's not like you are racing it is it?? I wish if left mine in that's for sure...

All these people saying take it out lol just to save a few kilos so they think they're car might go a bit faster lol.

If you can fit a bigger turbo and leave it why not?

Do you want a fucking fight or something?

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In my 1.4 corolla with trip computer it makes absolutely fuck all difference whether I have the aircon turned on or off. It's an electric clutch so it's not doing anything when turned off just the resistance from some bearings

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