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anybody know the law? what are my rights here

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hey dudes can anyone advise me here, im having a running battle with Currys/PC World over a broken laptop and want to know what my rights are.

Basically this is whats going on, i will try to arrange it in bullet points to keep it from sending you to sleep lol...get your cups of tea ready.

- I bought a google chromebook from PC World on 10/11/13.

- Developed several issues and then died at some point during September 14 so still within 1 year manufacturers warranty.

- Went back to Currys to get them to try to fix or replace it and they said they didn't deal with anything like that with these products - I would have to take up the matter with Google themselves?!

- I was annoyed but I did so, and Google sent a replacement Chromebook and I had to send back the old one at a cost of approx 30 quid petrol to drive to depot and back.

- New one arrived some point in October 14 - and lasted approx a week before developing faults, wouldnt turn on, charger overheating, would randomly turn off...basically a heap of shit.

- By this point its got about a week or two of warranty remaining because even though its a new device the warranty only lasts a year from purchase of the original one.

- So I again speak to Google about it, and they advise me that they are willing to take the device back but I would need to take it up with Currys/PC World.

- I go to PC World again and they say thats rubbish (LOL?!) but to go through their returns team/knowhow team.

- I do this and the customer help team say they will open a case for me and get it all sorted.

- I then don't hear anything for over a week. I ring back again to see whats going on and the woman doesent know. Nothing has been done.

- Turns out that the first woman couldnt get through to the relevant dept at Google and so just didn't proceed any further and also didn't let me know anything.

- So by this point the warranty is now UP and I have to go through their out-of-warranty dept.

- I subsequently recieve a letter from them saying I need to take up the matter with Hewlett Packard lol as they are the actual manufacterers. At this point Im getting pretty pissed.

- I ring HP and they say they can't do anything about it and to ring Google and get them to look into it LOLOLOLOL

- Popped back to PC World again today only to be told becuase device is NOW out of warranty the best I can hope for is to write to head office and they may make a small donation towards a different product as a gesture of goodwill!

This laptop cost me 230quid and I want to know if ive got any rights here as I wont be letting this go. I have various email and letter proof that I was trying to get it changed when the device was still within the original years warranty, and also proof that the various emails and letters from Currys PC World / Google / HP all totally contradict each other.

So those of you who are still awake what you reckon?

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It sounds to me like a good case for


In all seriousness company's like that are cunts do anything to pass the buck and worm ther way out of things I would say your issue is with currys/PC world as you paid them for the laptop so they should have sorted your problem have a look at consumer rights online dude you may find some good info on ther to confront them with and they might realise your serious then and your not going to let it drop

Edited by Whitenoize
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Genrally its not people your speaking to that are at fault there normally pretty tied with what they can do. Play the absolute arsehole card and if you call advise them your recording the call. Ask for a way to identify the person your speaking to a lot of places won't allow you to give last names so thinks like site they work at or Personell number work. Always ask to speak to a manager. Start doing stuff like this and it makes life very hard for then to pass the buck if the person can't help ask to speak to here boss I'd they can't help ask to speak to there boss. If they say no ask why if they say they will call back ask for a time and way of identifying who was ment to call you. Used to work n a call center and we where Tied to a strick 10% of last 3 months spending as a good will gesture but this didn't apply to line managers alot of the time if you went to them and said you had a difficult person to deal with demanding a manager they would just say give them whatever To dodge dealing with them.

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Citizens advice bureau, free legal advice and they will know exactly what to do, as with them asking you go to the manufacturer is bullshit, you brought a product from them and thats means you have a legal bond with them over the product not with the manufacturer, if you pushed enough they would of just exchanged it. I had a similar problem with tesco over a kindle, they told me that i had to deal with amazon myself, so i kicked up a stink asking if i was to buy a bag of crisps or a chocolate bar that was unsatisfactory would they send me to deal with walkers or cadburys, they soon got a manager and refunded me o the spot, sometimes you have to push as they will just fob you off as most people dont know their legal rights

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Sounds like your clear man you have your proof there do its a lack of communication between currys and Google city's should of rang them as they sold it to you .. At the end of the day your not there to run around it should be just a matter of you goin currys and let them contact Google and let to company's come to an agreement but that's not the way it ever goes

Good luck with this one man but defo keep at them and demand a new one you done all you can to get there under warrenty time but it's there error

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  • 3 weeks later...

bumping this up guys as i sent a letter to DSG Retail Ltd several weeks ago lol and have had no reply whatsoever. Anyone got any more ideas? I don't want to get arsey/nasty until i know for absolute sure they are going to be dickheads about it and not refund me.

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