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Everything posted by Phil

  1. though my main gripe would be text speak PaulStarletSR that and using expletives to rant!! LOL Phil
  2. as far as i know, its means as far as i know. Phil
  3. really just comes down to the block and head surfaces, so long as there good, your good looks like a great project. Phil
  4. Those gauges are just right in there, perfect looking machine Shorty, id have to agree with finishing her off be a shame for this not to hit a few sprints/hillclimbs or similar, show alot of bigger machinery a clean pair of heels. Phil
  5. So your using stock comp pistons? or you are using dished pistons? are they 10cc dished Wiescos? It must be added, i truely adore your wheels - mint I dont doubt that for a second shorty only showing an interest. Phil
  6. One issue I forsee is that your unlikely to have strengthened this enough to stop it bending under loads that previously would have flexed it. that being the case any flex now occurring may twist/crease the new material leaving the once innocuous flex as permanent distortion through stress/fatigue. From an structural sense what you have welded there would be better at holding the item in a stressed position indefinitely, more so that either making the twist/flex motion less probable or helping to return it to its original position quicker once the beam returns to its unloaded state. a weld
  7. cultra hillclimb is certain a 'poster' event, my only issue is i cant see a gt box ever getting on boost in 2nd gear going up it!! a ct9 would destroy a td04 up there. craigantlet or similar would be a better test for the starlet i thinks. and definitely being involved is essential, though ive learnt very little compared to what i could have all things considered. Phil
  8. admittedly, my video was also a forged td04 build. poop Phil
  9. Aye ECC are traders for wizards of NOS, so they fitted the kit back when one of their employees owned this GT. Hence it being forged also. Tempted to keep the NOS but it would mean it wouldnt be able to be run up a hillclimb and i wouldn't mind a shot at that, and also ill be entrusting the setup of the car to Chris, that way ill be involved rather than just handing the keys and my back account to a big company and hoping for the best.. bottom line there is a few items i dont fully believe in their worth yet on the road, a) anti lag b)NOS everything else im game. Phil
  10. my old gt -yes i post this video everywhere. screamer pipe making its noises http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hyrc8tVEr80 Phil
  11. Thanks pal. Spec on the car for anyone interested. BC coilies Buddyclub P1s HKS Silent hi-power (to be fitted) blitz on there currently. RaceTech bottom mounted VF8 Ihi turbo (to be fitted) tial ex.gate & screamer (to be fitted) Standalone (to be fitted) 460cc injectors Wizards of NOS kit (to be removed and sold) CP pistons Scat Rods Steel hg. ACL bearings Built by ECC. plans are simple. take it slow. restore it first then build it up 'and learn how to map it myself' joked Philip Phil
  12. haha, if i still had country roads to enjoy on my way to work id consider it, but no chance if im heading from dundonald to city centre at rush hour. lol id rather get the bus i think. Phil
  13. haha then 1 series has been a good buy, nice to sit in to work everyday and no issues in over a year so happy with ownership so far. the build thread, yes im famous on tgtt for the stupendous build threads i keep regularly updated. (absolute lies) this thread has more pics in the last few hours of my cars than ive put on TGTT in about 6 or 7 yrs lol Phil
  14. Cheers, made the most hp ever at 1bar ona stock td04 (i will claim that forever proven incorrect or not lol) thanks man, appreciate you having a look. thanks the pics more than do it justice, but it will be nice. Phil
  15. Never introduced myself on UKSO before so here it is this my old GT, when i first bought it. after some slight tinkering then this was added, plus many other associated parts. Which finally evolved into this Which made good power on a stock td04. which went like so >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hyrc8tVEr80 i then sold up and faffed about it, but with no real interest in playing with anything but another GT i picked this up at the right money and from the right guy. plans our to have abit of fun restoring and building this one alittle tidier than before.
  16. thats a great attitude to have for sure! Good luck with the efforts, keep us all updated. Phil
  17. you want these injectors if you on a budget. super value for money http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111173577026?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Evo injectors with corresponding connectors. check size by asking seller for exact part no. I would wonder if the timing is safe or even pulled abit much. though 285 isnt bad power, could easily be a sensible/safe tune and a shy dyno. Phil
  18. aye seen that go up, hope you get sorted pal, maybe see the ep in the carpark tomoro! Phil
  19. i know it would mean venturing over to TGTT, but being based in NI, WeeJohn is your man for this question, whatever that man dont know about EP electronics is wrong. Phil
  20. whats the cost of getting a WMS setup on the car and ready to go? i never been able to get a definitive price. (well i say never, but i think i knew what they cost when they were originally released but that was 3-4 yrs ago!? ) Phil
  21. nice sard bov i see there D3no. Phil
  22. My previous gt ^^ Look forward to getting my current one to a point where i would be happy for anyone to see it lol Phil
  23. not a hope. no self respecting bidder that wants them would be putting real money on them till last 30seconds. nobody bidding on them now has the dollar to buy them id bet, just people dreaming of a bargain. Phil
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