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Everything posted by Chops

  1. i believe i spoke with you a while back about that modified cage, im still interested bud ill drop you a pm
  2. Its technically the cheapest mk1 bumper for sale on the entire internet lol, as there arn't any others currently available. I'm still very interested in buying those fogs mind
  3. not having much luck are you colin, its worth the struggle for the day everything works and you know the cars good to go cause you did all the work getting it there, no better feeling.
  4. Nah sorry bud, i sold it and the pictures wont bugger off, i delete them and it adds them back on the end of the post again.
  5. wd40 is balls at that sort of thing bud i dont know why everyone loves it so much, id grab a proper penetrating oil like rp90 if it doesnt work!
  6. If anyone wants it without the fogs id love em for my mk1 bumper!
  7. Chops

    air con rad

    Hi all, im in need of an air con rad, as the project car's og jpb has turned to dust. In the best condition possible really!
  8. I may actually have one of these knocking around, ill have to check which side it is. Pm me if youre still after it.
  9. Someone needs to take molds of these to repros!
  10. so ive been procrastinating a bit and working on odds and ends for the black gt project for myself, and i recon ive done rather well on a couple of things i thought id share with you. first of all, ill eat pudding first and drop this: that, ladies and gentlemen, is a starlet miester coilover shock with a tien edfc stepper motor heavily modified to be mounted to the top :L. it fits and works mechanically, but ive yet to connect it to a controller and see if it works on that, fingers crossed eh! I also noticed a 5e crankshaft for sale on the forum, so i grabbed thay, remembering reading s
  11. Chops


    Yes mate i have a solid running engine for sale with most of the ancillaries available for it too, drop me a pm!
  12. Bump, to those interested no i wont deliver the engine, i was all set up to drive the thing to bristol and meet someone halfway who turned out to be a fuckaround, cost me over half my weekend :/
  13. liamd isnt on here any more iirc, he did to a tf035 for me though a year or two back. if you get in touch with him drop me his number, i want to speak to him about some stuff of my own!
  14. yeah found it today bud, its yours if you still want it dude!
  15. BUMP! this is all still available and im skintskis as usual (bloody projects :L) so offers very much listened to!
  16. Is the crank stamped 3e or 5e plz?
  17. Ill be taking those rods if theyre still about on payday, ive got a 5e sat about ready to put em in .
  18. yeah, it came off one (mind you, that half rad isn't for sale up here as it had ballooned out madly. not sure if its due to shitty quality rad or the uprated pressure on the cap. to be safe, id stay at 0.9 level mate, its more than enough for a well maintained 4e anyway.)
  19. it being or rather not being stainless steel shouldn't be a dealbreaker imo bud, stainless steel is far more likely to crack anyway! id roll with it so long as the welds are good!
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