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Everything posted by patman

  1. Surely with a turbo timer should it matter what make or model it is as long as it does the job?
  2. Yes mate that's the one but mine was cheaper as it's no brand name works perfect for me
  3. I just have the little pencil thin one does the trick and no problems
  4. Do the mounts come with it too mate so it can go straight on? Do the mounts come with it too mate so it can go straight on?
  5. I take it you need to change the speedo face which you get from eBay which is in miles an hour up to 110mph
  6. Still thinking mate as even though mine and yours are 205 black needs to blend in as haven't got time for respray etc where you based Oh silly me says Southampton mind you am only in sussex
  7. Get some clips mate the tape won't hold forever
  8. Oooooops meant the passenger side door not drivers
  9. Ok mate will do and thanks for the advice 👍
  10. I am interested in the drivers side door if it's all complete and the boot lis providing the I can still use my own glow badge panel in it?
  11. You think it's worth selling mate? If so how much think there the 90 quid ones
  12. Looking for the screw/clips, what hold the handbrake console in place and also 2 clips either side of the black box what has the ashtray/lighter on 2 black clips each side hope this makes sense Pat
  13. Your welcome mate glad I could help 👍
  14. Jesus Colin I haven't a clue mate just know it's for a ct9 and brand new was actually gonna sell it as I don't need it
  15. I know there not liked this brand but does anyone know what sort of power it can hold up to nicely before it cracks etc etc had a brand new one was gonna put it on just a case of how much a cars Bhp is and how much it can take? Thanks Pat
  16. I take it these are in 205 black mate yeah :-)
  17. Is that the one for the wastegate mate if so yes I have a spare one, I know what you mean 40 quid is disgusting pm me mate will get back to you 👍
  18. I have Hookie mate got a spare pair genuine set for a gt engine as building mine 👍 best thing to do is pm me and we take it from there but give me time to reply but can easy get them sent out on Monday 👍
  19. need some good prices on a perfect looked after GT Turbo engine, not after a forged as haven't got the money, and it hasn't got to have the ancillaries with it, as long as mileage is good, and good compression etc, and you know if anythings been changed inside like crank redone, bore etc, then I know where I'm at when I receive it, thanks guys Pat
  20. need some good prices on a perfect looked after GT Turbo engine, not after a forged as haven't got the money, and it hasn't got to have the ancillaries with it, as long as mileage is good, and good compression etc, and you know if anythings been changed inside like crank redone, bore etc, then I know where I'm at when I receive it, thanks guys Pat
  21. Bump for this top bloke 👍
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