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Everything posted by 200sx-Starlet-Jay

  1. Got central lockin motors fitted yesterday, also all of alarm is fitted, owever i havnt powered it up yet as my battery is dead. need a new one first or i will have all sorts of trouble with it!! fitted the Blitz DSBC as well, need to confirm the setup before i run the car again though so check the tech thread for advice if you have any fitted a few sensor brackets ive made as well, and now im pondering a few other parts :/ arrr i duno what to do heres a pic of it with the filter back on
  2. Lmao... knew it would only be a matter of time before you posted it up! " whats da police gunna do if you pull a carrot on them.. dey cnt ban carrots no what i mean.. howz man gunna see in da dark ya get me?!! " AMAZING
  3. got a few goodies through the post today! Lambda sensor arrived, got the central locking motors, and the cat 1 alarm/imobilisor. should get this all sorted tomorow!
  4. it hasnt been 9 month lol?! easiest way i think is to get a glanza engine, ecu, loom and clocks etc. plugs straight in that way get a front cut and then you got everything you need. otherwise it takes a little time sourcing all the parts. my central locking motors have turned up! should get them done at weekend! just waiting on my alarm, and lambda sensor now
  5. lol that will be the day hopefully not too long though!
  6. lol there are loads easy ways Shane!! i just didnt realise it! cheers guys brought some more electronics as well tonight! wooot
  7. lol cheers guys mowgli not heard owt from my spray guy, will buzz you when i get ure spoiler back home slice
  8. very easy, cud do it yourself and get it all done dirt cheap!! plus, you get a few more mods available that are actualy for ure engine, e.g. 4-2-1 manifold being the main one! i would say a fettled one of these would make 120 BHP ?! nice little pokey motor! i was considering this on my white one, but then decided to drop the FTE in it. should be banging a 5E in the blue one though when mines all sorted Jay
  9. yes mate. as i said idealy when my car is done, as each time i go to a meet type thing in the blue one i get depressed about mine still not done lol! will give it a few weeks then see where it stands i reckon. Jay
  10. got a new toy turned up with lots of squigly writing and a massive stamp that said "JAPAN" on it lol you gota love it! Blitz Dual Solenoid boost controller ( Spec R ) FTW !! bit much for what i need, but had one in my 200 and they are crackin bits of kit! Jay
  11. got a new boost controller, today from JAPAN and just want to clarify how its plugs up. ive got the boost controller, which plugs into the solenoid, the same loom has a black and a red wire spare, which i assume is live and earth. there is a vaccum pipe on the back of the controll box. does this go to the IN or the OUT on the solenoid? im guessing IN from the turbo feed, then OUT up to the controll box. am i right? Jay
  12. cheers everyone, well i went halfords, an they were like £89 in there i think. will av a think.. may be worth looking up some backstreet dealers, and get my self one. mine has been sat unused, except weekends for a few month. kept it on the trickle charger, but that slowy week by week has given a reading that it is fully charged, when realy its flat as fook. cnt even power lights. can it be rescued?! Jay
  13. oh i know the place used to go there in my first car, my celica for about 3-4 weeks. got proper bored and most the guys there were chavs so in the end i just packed up going, plus petrol cost me loads goin there. like 35 mins each way! theres better places than that dude!!
  14. did you not get fitting instructions with it? i did with mine! you need to run it from the solenoid that comes with it. turbo to actuator should have a T peice, then on the other end of that T peice goes to your solenoid, then from there to your control unit i think from the top of my head! Jay
  15. hmm? ive seen a few on ebay for that.. but as i say, no idea if there is a SPEC i need lol
  16. whats on the industrial estate ? whats the general area?! Liam.. im defo having one as soon as my car is done and reliable. kind of a waahay its done type meet for me lol! so if you dont have one before then i will after! shouldnt be 2 long. altho saying that i reckon its guna have to be with some entertainment after cuz MFN ends soon. will have a think and check up on my progress, depending when its done
  17. lol probs for the best! if a glanza is on stock springs, they look rather shite. have to be lowered! check fluids dont disapear when hot, check for smoke on boost, check engine bay again after use, check for oil leaks all over engine inc under it. also carry out all the checks. make a list of all potential issues etc and get him down as low as you can
  18. need a new one.. seen loads for £100 surely this aint right?!!! ive never needed a new one in my life so no idea what the crack is?! any that are better than others like liquid wise?! also needs to be smallish, not a big normal one. cheaper the better!! Jay
  19. cheers liam.. may giv him a buzz. altho its working out loads cheaper with my uncle obviously, and i cnt bring the car to ure man. however i wont get a certificate with my uncle for insurance.. so if insurance is a killer i may have to look into it. done some more today, not alot though, as last night i got proper paraletic by accident lol. drank 1 litre of absolut vodka, realy messed me up haha! but yeah.. fitted the induction kit back on for good, started to cover the loom in blue conduit stuff, and put the strut brace on. also fabricated some brackets for all the sensors that are lying ab
  20. bang on mate... get them wheels swaped over, sit it on its arse.. and some Jap plates.. ure halfway there!
  21. yeah i know, te guy was playing with himself.. and y the fuck is no one helping him? all them people, no panic. ive seen more terror in a fishtank for gods sake
  22. from the catpipe all the way back????? im not sure to be honest, but may help a few more responses
  23. ok GRAPHIC content.. open with caution! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=832_1250780068
  24. looks fairly smart dude! i reckon its worth going back to have a test drive in it. the seat cud just be from loads of short trips, in and out of the car. or he cud be morbidly obese. loads of different reasons why.. you should be able to tell from general condition etc of the car. as for suspension, to be honest if you want it better, and lower etc.. its guna be harder. GO HARD OR GO HOME
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