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Everything posted by Pav

  1. My nan coulda done better than that in her rover, flippin ell. ;)
  2. hehe cheers mate. I dont know what it is but I have a thing for tinted lights. Must be my inner chav trying to break free ;) You woulda loved em if they were ferrari red Cal! Idrees' gt3s are standard blue so take a gander at them if you want. If you dont mind shelling out an extra £150 Rota can spray them for you in any colour you wish! Hell yeah, I'll be back in taunton sometime after my exams finish. GT3 ftw! Your a master with the paints, I would love to see yours painted the same colour as the body work, that would be uber cool! They'd look pretty swish on
  3. I drove 8 hours solid yesterday to pick these babies up, but it was well worth it. I am over the moon with them, definately the nicest wheels I've had on a car so far ;) Thanks Tucka! and this dudes Cadillac Escallade that was parked closeby. Had a little chat with him, turned out he had a glanza a while back too and loves em. I thought I'd take some shots to show the true enormity of one of these beasts! The rims were 24s! Fuck trying to fit them on a starlet lmao Makes the Glanz look like a toy! Cheers, Pav
  4. Those seats were the bargin of the century! last night tucka said they deserved theyre own thread titled best bargin ever. Sorry to hear of the financial troubles mate, these cars are money pits we all speak from experience! I hope you get things sorted and can keep the Glanz, its looking like a sweet project now!
  5. A Hybrid is what you need mate :surrender: I have no idea where anything in wales is but I think the location is up to Sparky and that lot. I think the 27th was mentioned but whether thats a definate date I'm not sure. Wouldnt mind knowing this myself so I can plan ahead and get some definate bristol peeps on the go. So far I think Jack and Pelvis (also called Jack ) are on board. I have yet to talk to Dane about it but I'm sure he'll be up for it.
  6. lol, its the principle mate. From what I can see his gf was being unreasonable and he dealt with it. Hes not the one whos got the problem at the end of the day. All imho of course :surrender:
  7. Good on ya mate. :surrender:
  8. In reference to the famous youtube video I Jizzed, In-My-Pants...... Seriously though, that is Bad Ass!
  9. Seriosly though, do you want my blitz ecu? I'm actually tempted to sell it and buy a powerfc with a commander. And I agree Sparky, Dave the Trator! That was a mint Gt. At least I got to drive it last saturday
  10. Oh Sh*t I forgot this was the south wales meet thread!
  11. hehe, so Im not the only one Im not sure which size, Ill check later tonight as I'm off to the rollers now woop! Not sure what font. Errmm I want it to say. Pav - The fasterest Glanza........IN THE WORLD. (In a Jeremy Clarkson voice) I'll talk to ya bout it tonight, thanks meggs!
  12. Mmm, making me hungry just thinking about it, damn you! I'm gonna go cook something. Hows that sig coming along meggy?
  13. Dirrrty, hes gone to the slow barge side then lol, I did pretty much the exact opposite of that!
  14. Good things come to those who wait Work that magic!
  15. Yay! Means I can thank you in person for my bride seat by giving you my Blitz Ecu (jk)
  16. Nice mate, love the lowness Sweet spec list too!
  17. lol, soz was just fitting some new discs to glanz I'll have a flip through my photobucket, find some that would be good to use. Feel free to have a gander and use some of them http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t230/apuk2006/
  18. Sweet, 4 lil piccys in a row like glanza loves would be mint!
  19. Cool, tell you what if I gave you a few pics, you reckon you could make a siggy for me?
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