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Everything posted by Pav

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ro1j7IVuHg...feature=related
  2. hahahaha lmao. I agree Great analogy
  3. You Crazy Mofo, looks wicked! Wouldn't mind having a go at road mapping my self some day.
  4. Ah I see, bugger. Well sounds like I can still put some bulbs back in to light em up but what colour they will be is another question!
  5. Ok si just read your thread, your needles light up red yet the backing is lit up orange/yellow, how have you done this mate? Red needles would look mint on indiglo dials!
  6. Oooh, im gonna check this out now! I removed my bulbs you see thinking theyd look weird
  7. Its something you just have to put up with mate, unless you go to the trouble of replacing the needles with clear ones and somehow mount bright leds behind them? I've been tempted to try this but it aint an easy task.
  8. I tell you what thats almost exactly what my mate said when he got in the drivers seat last night, he started making jet sounds and missile launches!
  9. Cheers SF You had any luck selling yours? Got some pics of my new cam cover to go up but my engine bay really needs a clean
  10. I hate you too Gall! Stop it! Now thanks to you im gonna have to get an AE86, and perhaps turbo it. Yes. That is now on my list of things to do. :harhar:
  11. How much would you be after for it bro? Do you have a pic you can post of it? Pav
  12. Wicked pics man, like the 2nd one the most! Dont tell me this was on your phone again.
  13. Pav

    Cruise AE111

    Mmmmmm, me likey. 500 bhp? Yes please!
  14. Using just an FCD (hks one for extra high egts)
  15. hehe, so I am told, quite a lot apparently :harhar:
  16. Ah I see, makes sense. You do notice things like that, attention to detail! It is much better now though, it doesnt bang and rattle for starters. And it roars like a dragon from behind!
  17. When the Ecu reads boost nearing the factory limit, it prepares to cut, as a result it limits performance before hand. A lot of people call it "bogging" and its a pain in the arse untill you get some control over your boost creep. As the revs rise into the higher end, does your boost level rise progressively? Excuse for a hybrid I say. Cars coming along nice bro eitherway :harhar:
  18. Theyre currently at a heat treatment company to ensure that no red paint can adhere to the surface of them. :harhar:
  19. She is a torquey ho sparky! Its gonna be a while before the emanage goes in so Im gonna be rolling back on 170 brake soon Gall, how did you notice that bro? I do as a matter of fact it was a custom 4 inch box, I need to get more pics of it sometime for the exhaust thread
  20. Awesome, its like a hybrid Starlet/Evo. Its a Stevo!
  21. Didnt I sell you my Bee-R Tintin?
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