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Everything posted by rinseep82

  1. Bloody hell coilover finance you'll sell chuffin hundreds lol
  2. You decided on a colour dude??
  3. Ahhh man that sucks balls is there no where that could do you some fancie forged valves haha car looks mint tho dude
  4. Ahhhh maaaaaan that's Crap how far you got to get her done??
  5. What about id-workz give Idrees a bell he might do em
  6. Are you goin then dude?? Iev managed to get a ticket please tell me your goin I wanna see the car lol
  7. They said it was supposed to be raining everyday where I live and it been great I never believe the weather lol
  8. As said ct9 front mount pref with a short hot side and a smaller core Cheers dale
  9. I saw that gt at the ukso clumber park meet I'm sure it was that one young kid had it I had a good look round it don't think it was forged tho and the manifold looked a bit dodgy everything else looked ok tho
  10. On my opinion it's rubbish never here'd that before there are loads of people on here running both blue and ultimate without problems I think it's down to the tuner
  11. Well I'm going to look at another 1 at half 5 tonight supposed to be immaculate just needs a few bits like a front mount n stuff but that can come later just as long as the shel and engine are mint I'll be having it so hopefully tonight I'll be back in full swing and in a glanza this time lol
  12. Bout 2 hour mate not that bad but far inuf to be there literally 30seconds then leaving I gave him a few harsh words like lol
  13. Finding a car getting told it's mint get there to find he's had it running half hour the paintwork is shot key scratch down to the metal the full length of the car and it's an automatic even tho he advertised it as a manual rate pissssed off time wasting bastards
  14. Mate that looks awesome this glanza has come such a long way from when Ryan had it looks mint dude cracking job
  15. If you can't get insured sell it to me haha looks good mate
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