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The Toffinator

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Everything posted by The Toffinator

  1. Could be piston slap, or valve clearances mate. Either of them arent a major problem but worth checking top end tolerances. Some forged builds do tap from cold though as they are usually bigger clearances
  2. Just to bump this up.... Looking for an EWG For my new manifold and unsure what to go for, cant stretch to a tial etc for a while yet so is anybody running a decent one of these off ebay? Thanks
  3. All this chew for £2.00?? Cant even buy a sandwich worth eating for £2.00 these days so im sure its not a worry when your making good money on parts. If it bothers you that much put the price of a part up by£2.00... Worth paying that for just the knowledge on here alone
  4. Thanks mick will have to pop round and show you it. And i got a mate to do them i dont have the patience for film lol And i know! Could do with a refurb now though tbh looking a bit tired. Bit of an update nothing much but after approximately 70 Litres (Yes 70!!) Of mineral oil and semi synthetic i have now given it some decent oil. Millers NanoDrive 10w-50 and of course a new filter. Also had 2 spare front hubs shotblasted, painted and new bearings pressed in to smoothen it up a bit Give it a well deserved clean as it was disgusting after all that mileage and only one wa
  5. 1Bar VF24 Stock Management with FPR I made 248. Should see 300+ with more boost and a map!
  6. Worth popping the dizzy cap off, and all the leads giving everything a good clean up. Main thing to do with the cars running and nobody ever checks these things lol If that fails spark plugs mate
  7. Put a straight edge on it dude, give it a good clean. As long as its flat it will be fine
  8. AEM Wideband is accurate and cheap, get yourself one of them
  9. Alamo motorsports do custom weisco flat tops, awesome shop and i love mine with them in?
  10. Awesome turbo, very very similiar to a vf24 and if so you will love it!
  11. Bit the bullet today and pulled inlet of mine, measured 55mm with verniers. Blonde moment then realized i had a TD04 At work, measure that and was also 55mm. For future reference lol
  12. Yep you are all right lol, fucking thing is leaking still... So the idea is im guessing is once its all degreased with brake cleaner/carbcleaner or similiar, use a bead of sealant all the way around, wait till it sets then bolt it up? Ie to create like a proper gasket?
  13. Anybody know what is is? Need a new elbow ordering up for mine but need to know the diamater. I know most IHI VFs, TD04s And TD05s are the same so does anybody know? Thanks!
  14. Followed the instructions which said wait until tacky (Half an hour or so) Then nipped it up
  15. I dont have time for this 24hour malarkey, overnight is all i have lol. Tried black silicone RTV last night and touch wood i think it has got it! Used your technique grant. And used carb cleaner to clean surfaces up. Will see if its sealed tommorow, if not i will try the suggestions above Thanks!
  16. You need to start at setting 12, on standard fuel pressure, then settinh 11 and see how it fuels, then onto 10, probably start leaning out now so use more fuel pressure, then setting 9 and up the fuel pressure, repeat until you no longer hit fuel cut and your fuelling is nice! Yes its caveman tuning, but IMO my car fuels better on fcd and fpr than it did on a plug and play which was too rich!
  17. As i said though kate the fuelling is affected throughout the whole rev range, so if your on standard fuel pressure and setting 8 it will be very very lean! Setting 12 Is the standard setting (Ie turned off) on a HKS FCD.
  18. They do 2 i think, one was out of stock so i got the soft one, they do a heavy duty one with more weight capability, so there thicker sidewalled. And gainzy im not sure if they will do them in 14"
  19. As above do not drive it or you will kill it! The higher the setting on the FCD the more it leans the fuelling out over the whole revrange. That tinny rattle is pinking/detonation and it will kill the ringlands if you carry on, play it safe and get it on a dyno Or buy yourself a wideband, can keep an eye on fuelling then
  20. Anybody have any reccomendations on what sealant to use? and tightening sequences etc? 3 Times i have tried to seal this bastard now, Some form of loctite gasket stuff before, and a silicone carplan type stuff made for sumps etc tonight and its still pissing out! Been tightening it from each corner, all even etc to pull it flat
  21. Just thought i would let people know i have just fitted 2 Rainsport 3s to my car, after previously using the Rainsport 2s, Falken Ziex ZE912, Toyo T1Rs, Yokohama paradas etc etc that everyone uses. First comment is Feck me they grip.... Running 250Hp through a standard OPEN diff, and it hooks up amazingly well. 1st and 2nd were pointless with the paradas, and 3rd 4th and 5th used to spin up all the time and was really annoying. You can feel these chirp a little bit during cornering in 3rd, 4th or 5th theres nothing, and even 2nd has stacks off grip. Bearing in mind these have only done 1
  22. Hahaha sorry i will let you off then And yeh give it a good crack with a hammer!
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