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The Toffinator

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Everything posted by The Toffinator

  1. Wow that looks awesome! Out of interest what did it cost you? Pm me if you like
  2. I had the HDi On mine with no cutting before just need to mount it as far back as possible. Is a squeeze getting the bumper on though so im sure if you just trimmed everything slightly it would go on and look factory... I fucked that off and cut everything out lol
  3. Have you any recent vids etc of this mate? Love the car but i dont see enough action or photos for my liking... ;)
  4. Thanks chris, and yeh piece of piss cost me 15quid, they machined the bolts and 2mm outwardly on the pulley if you get me? Cheers dude, Vids wont be long! Update anyway, Cars all done, Engine finished off timing wise etc and checked over, Got it in late last night and it fired up. Took some starting and was lumpy and Very loud when it went as the backbox was off. No leaks from the engine and the Athena gasket was bone dry (Still is), However there was a fair bit of white smoke but i thought it was just down to me running it for 10Minutes or so. Got down early this morning an
  5. Cant believe your bored of TD04 Already... Lol actually i can, the craving never stops for more power!
  6. Staying a secret on the wheels until you get a photo? Bet you cant wait till spring
  7. Twats, no idea who did it? Other than that i love the kit!
  8. Lucky it didnt damage anything! Did you sort the strut with a washer?
  9. Cant wait too see it with fresh paint on! Wish i could have mine done
  10. Check the thread i put up in the general section for a photo dan put up mate.
  11. Hi mate, i found that photo in the end and sorted it, great help and sorted it straight away thank god!
  12. Got my forged build running but got white smoke on tickover, throttle body pipes are mixed up and i cant for the life of me find a dcent photo/guide on how to sort it Any one know how they go? Or better still a photo? Thanks!
  13. Nope adam standard 74mm, standard bore size honed. So far have zero piston slap etc either and rings etc were perfecto
  14. I didnt bore mine as advised by the machine shop. Tolerances were perfect
  15. Hahahaha ;) Yeh thats what i mean though the more stress for the longer amount of time would also contribute. Ie 3 Years of getting thrashed at a bar. Then a bigger turbo with a lump more torque(VF24) Killed it lol. And nooo way have to move on at somepoint:P Yeh of course its the force and torque it had a lot of! Crazy isnt it cant wait to rip it completely to bits see what its done to the head also. And yeh you would hope so Wasnt there an old thread on TGGT About that? Hahaha your mabye right adam i havent seen one fail, usually ringlands i have seen on the earl
  16. I know charl its not the best thing, nightmare when it happened! And i know i was expecting tol see knackered bearings etc but how everything still spins on the crank is crazy! And not far off mine then maddox i owned mine similiar time.
  17. Thanks charl, and yep i know ignition timing was also good, was all checked before i started driving the thing hard, was all set up safe really! And yeh main reason yours melted was the timing Hopefully get the 5E in tommorow, we will see!
  18. Yeh but no long corners where oil surge is a problem, there is only one and its not a fast corner lol. Big open tracks micky has a very valid point
  19. Only teeside mick so no long prolonged corners etc. And honestly even that rod that is no longer intact spins free on the crank, and has no play. It hasnt gone due to wear i can guarantee that!
  20. You might be lucky Mikey:P And yeh they can go at anything i think unfortunately but yeh definetely maintenance etc is key. Tune also!
  21. I know you did you radged bastard lol, and tbf i drove it a bit mental, and it was tracked... And yeh it was into the 80k marker but there is no wear anywhere on the thing. Engine is immaculate bar the damage it wasnt worn and old is my point, if it was a bit ratty then yeh:P Yeh they go with style! This had 4 holes and split the block in many places It should do dave, ARP etc into it so not a basic forged motor, should be able to cope with a lot!! And yeh as i have heard before your mabye right. Some last for ages!
  22. Not once did i slag it off, All im trying to do is show people what the standard bottom ends are like while everyone thinks there safe for 200Bhp+ And yes a stock engine will go for a while, Wouldnt say it was dumb as i was expecting it, hence why i have built a forged 5e... No mate i dont think it was that high, a bar on a vf24 shouldnt be that high, i dont think lol And mabye but not for long, the stress over time must weaken the shit out of them as they were never designed with this much power in mind by the looks of it, just an N/A Motor with a lower compression and a turbo
  23. I know i will get the bastard ready and the weather will be brutal, should have built a forged 5EFTE Boat by the looks of this And yesss Also got the clutch on today, engine is also down at the garage with my car so they should hopefully be reunited tommorow! TT
  24. No crazy high revs the redline was 7600Rpm, boost never creeped or spiked, revs where 5k when it went bang, in 2nd! And VF24 Is Slightly higher flowing, they will do 330 while a td04 will do 290 or so AFRs where low 11s on hard boost
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