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Everything posted by wickedep

  1. i had one on my car long years ago..full boost on 5e around 5500rpm'ish. it will work fine..will tend to surge if you are going to push over 2bar. raising the rev limit to 8000k will really help as you dont drop out of the power band when you shift. below is a video of my car running this turbo @1.5bar... http://youtu.be/Ld8_yn3Mb4Q
  2. wow..thats a first generation wepr evolution manifold...we stopped production like 7 years ago!! crazy to see some of our stuff still floating about after all these years hehe. thats a crazy cheap price.
  3. get in touch if need a power up kit mate. i have a customer who wants to get rid of his. very low mileage (he's gone tdo4). i can put you in touch with him.
  4. oh no way erik !!!! why you abandoning this build????
  5. heheh thanks pick hope to have the car tuned again soon..
  6. not much of a price difference between 82/91 mate..maybe 2000GBP..still pricy. cars here in general are pricy because we pay 300% in tax
  7. actually for a stock decent condition glanza..you'd expect to pay around 10,000-12,000GBP ..more if it has got mods on it...
  8. hahah you guys are laughing..but over here you'd expect to pay at least 6000-7000GBP for that same car ...
  9. congrats guys..thats awesome! wish i could have been there to see too...maybe next year i'll visit matt
  10. dave rowe comes to sri lanka to tune some of my mates cars! small world..
  11. race tech's billet ct9 looks promising..might be the ticket for you. have a look...
  12. hey mate..your new manifold is on its way to ya!!!! thank you for being super patient..really appreciate it. if there's anything else i can help you with...dont hesitate to PM
  13. awesome engine bay Gee!! as usual the zisco magic looks great
  14. yes mate..i am not a trader on ukso. for ct9 we have the regular short runner manifold upgrade and the power up kit for those want to use external w.gate and fmic with very short piping route (turbo>fmic side). if you need more details...just email mate..i dont want to violate and forum rules
  15. hey mate, not sure as to why you had to change radiators because the power up kit is compliant with the stock rad..clearance with the oil filter is tight..but not impossible with the right silicone hose bend...clearance is tighter with the turbo in the stock location
  16. mate, i should have your new manifold ready to go very shortly. i am in the process of doing a small batch of sr-series manis. your is included in this batch
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