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funny onion

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Everything posted by funny onion

  1. Haha cheers guys Do you want a list Matt? Not pointed out by Sam in his glorius build thread but I bought the td04 oil feed, bottom rad hose, he's got my bonnet, brake discs and pads... But he's a sweetheart and has helped me no end with mine, and I'm going on his insurance (we've not discussed this yet, but it's happening ;) ) haha. You wouldn't believe the piles of spare bits and turbos and stuff we've get piled up. Actually could build another one! And no I won't be at japfest, I'm working pea season (lol) so I'm working and sleeping for 10weeks starting in June. Then mines off for
  2. Cheers nobody cares about ct9 builds, but it will be going td04 by the end of the year hopefully
  3. Haha I hope I'm not a liar. I'll have a look tomorrow. They were spot on condition wise so I will have probably hoarded them with the rest of the parts I'll never use again lol
  4. I'm sure I have my rear shocks still I'll let you know geek !
  5. got a few things done today. finally got the new fuel filter on. got the longer oil feed for the turbo on (not a lot in it tbh) and got the civic rad fitted did a few wee nips and tucks in the engine bay and got rid of a few bits that i don't need and overall it looks a bit tidier recaro is going in tomorrow too want to get her back on the rollers to see what she's pulling now. at a rough guess i'd say i think it's between 175bhp and 200bhp. somewhere in that region i think. would like to up the boost to a bar also
  6. yeah really happy with them, when we took my old ones off it was clear that there's not much meat left on them haha :/ but should get sams through mot. going to try to get the seat in at weekend, once the rad is on lol. see how much fun it turns out to be haha. oooh that's cool, let us know how it gets on!
  7. heres some piccies of goodies waiting to go on! the discs are now on and are a lot better than my oem ones which have been donated to shedlet now. the rest will be going on at weekend and inlet in the process of being sprayed
  8. i have loads of piccies to upload! might do it later on if i don't fall asleep haha. it was this one zoe; />http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/400231686265?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649#ht_2303wt_1208 turned up today and it's mint! spot on. the fan was just a 12" fan off ebay. the rad was £35 when i bought it but since i posted a link up in a thread on here they're now £40 :/ haha.
  9. Yeah I paid £35 lol? Maybe had a few orders and decided to bump the price up lol.
  10. Looking for a bottom rad hose, if anyone has one lying around? Standard or whatever. Don't care what it looks like as long as it does the job! Cheers
  11. yeah tbf i have 2 rocker covers, one black and red and one white and red, much prefer the black one. white one looked grafted all the time. i'd say go with mirror polished then, break the colours in the bay up abit then imo
  12. yeah at the end of the day it will do the same job as the ones that are up for £100
  13. i need to graduate from uni and get a full time job! sick of being a skint student now.
  14. love that zisco strut brace, looks awesome! rocker cover could look quite cool if you did it in bmw alpine white and did purple alone the lines/toyota bit? congrats on the 200 mark, nice work, need to get mine back on the rollers now i've sorted the fueling and see where mine stands, no decent rollers round here though :/
  15. hey everyone, saw a very cheap civic rad on ebay on monday, and decided to take the risk and buy one and see what turned up. Received it today and it's mint! identical unit to all the other alloy civic rads available from toyosports etc, just unbranded. Nice and cheap compared to some of the ones available. cost me less than £70 in total for this rad and a 12" fan. />http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/400231686265?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649#ht_2303wt_1208
  16. wideband fitted! fueling wasn't too far out, i'm a good guesser haha. needed cranking up ever so slightly to get it to where i wanted it and it's happy all the way through the rev range, getting richer as the revs increase now. pulls better i think too civic rad and fan are on their way to me and should be fitted at the weekend picking some grooved discs up off pick1 tomorrow night, which will be fitted asap (sam is having my standard discs for the shedlet so he'll be keen to rip them off my car as soon as he can haha) i'll be getting some piccies at weekend of all the bits that have gone
  17. Maybe your stock lambda sensor is on its way out?
  18. We gave it a good talking to and it decided to give up the fight lol. But oh my god was it tight, thought my amazing engine mounts were going to give first lol. Sam and charl - 1 Decat - 0 Cheers guys
  19. Just attempting to fit my wideband and can't get the bung out of the decat. It's got two, one for the stock lambda and an extra one. Can't get the little bugger out! Tried heating it up etc. Any advice? Cheers
  20. Exactly the same as mine dude, have a rolling road print out to prove it, was literally off the scale lean in the mid rev range. Just started riching up slightly before the limiter. All sorted now though but might not be a bad idea to get your afr checked, it will end in more tears if it is Fueling related than if it's just the clutch on the way out.
  21. What's included/not included?
  22. Mine had this problem, turned out to be Fueling (was running far far too lean). Might be something completely different, mines a gt so not sure about an NA.
  23. awesome! can't wait to see this car when it's done will get a Hull meet in the pipeline so we can have a perv
  24. i like what you did there... "quite cool" lol!
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