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Everything posted by Critic

  1. Critic

    Miley Cyrus

    Don't worry that will be in her next video...
  2. So pissed off.. nothing ever goes right for me..

    1. Critic


      Just the glanza mate. -_-

  3. Critic

    CT9 Turbo

    Yeah I need one which isn't smokey. >.<
  4. How much just for the turbo? as I wouldn't need the cat and hot pipe. Pm me!
  5. Critic

    CT9 Turbo

    Bump! In need of one still..
  6. I would be interested in the td04 kit, recaro seats and omp steering wheel. Pm me prices please.
  7. Defiantly something dodgy going on with that ad..
  8. Welcome. Ask to see some receipts for the work.
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