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Everything posted by Critic

  1. I fancy a meet, but depends where everyone wants to meet up at...
  2. If you have it insured as a 1.3 instead of a glanza, then your insurance will be void if anything happens. If you get pulled and they check it out for any reason, with your insurance being void they will take your car there and then off you.
  3. Very nice. What plans you got for the forge build?
  4. What camera did you use to take these pictures by the way?
  5. Chopwell woods is just off the A1 mate, near the metro center. http://www.forestry.gov.uk/chopwell Postcode: NE39 1LT
  6. I'm gonna wait till I get a better camera to start entering these.
  7. I can just edited them in photoshop so there landscape. Which to use for March POTM? Hrm....
  8. Yeah I only just thought about that, doh! It's the way they have been took on the camera. Wood pictures are at chopwell woods and the graffiti pictures are just near jesmond.
  9. Welcome! Looking very clean and smart!
  10. Thanks man. Yeah I'm having trouble deciding haha..
  11. Went for a sunday shoot today at chopwell woods and also nipped to a graffiti wall I heard about. Picture's can be found in the below link. http://www.ukstarletowners.com/topic/60814-critics-sunday-shoot/ Here's a small preview.
  12. So as its been quite nice weather lately I planned to go to chopwell woods today (Sunday). Although it turned out not to be sunny like I wanted, but the pictures still turned out quite nice. Now the questions is... Which one do I enter for March POTM? Help! Warning Picture Heavy! Then we decided to nip to a graffiti wall we have heard about and we took some there as well.
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