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Everything posted by aaddzz123

  1. Lmao No word of a lie a few months ago I did pretty much that for about 10 minutes. I went on youtube and got up "Barking dogs" and just played it full blast over and over and then played "who let the dogs out". True story.
  2. I'm not sure how much longer I will tolerate it for before I start barking back and bouncing around eating my own shit in the garden all day every day to see how they like it. When it first started it was just in the back of my mind "wish that dog would hush for a bit lol" and gradually it's just got more frustrating. I feel like it's just a part of life now that isn't going to stop and I just have to avoid doing anything in the garden, keep the windows shut and have some music on in the background whenever I'm in. They're not allowed to bark all day. That's why we've complained to the coun
  3. Oh, don't recall that lol. Believable though if they were running anything around 260 or over from my experiences. And I know because the guy I raced was gobsmacked and we ended up chatting for about 2 hours lol!
  4. Brace yourselves. Firstly I love dogs. Ever since I was a kid I wanted a dog but my mom is allergic so I was never allowed one. My mrs has a dog and she's amazing. My friends have dogs and they're really nice. My uncle and aunt have dogs and they're nice. My neighbors have dogs and one day I'm going to kill one of them. On one side of my house the family are pleasant and say hi when we bump into each other but other than that keep to themselves which can't be said for their 6 dogs (and I don't exaggerate on the amount) who bark at a smallest of shit and don't shut up. We've complained in the
  5. If you got the ECU off an FTO unless you also have a plug and play harness for your model (not sure if you have a 82 or a 91) you will have to either get a plug and play harness or hard wire it in with a field harness. Even once it's wired in it will not fuel correctly at all seeing as it came from an FTO.... Basically the answer is no, you should take it to the person mapping it uninstalled but ready with a harness so that they can plug it in and begin from scratch.
  6. I disagree . Starlets are pretty well balanced and handle well with a few mods. Helps that they're so light. Shame they're not independent though. My old EG civic did handle better overall.
  7. Was a Guy called Matt. Lives in Chesterfield. Was overtaking a van which wouldn't overtake a car in front, and the van then pulled out and forced him off the road when he was mid overtaking because he didn't check his mirrors... Forced him into a tree I believe. Wasn't hurt or anything which is good lol.
  8. To think I was only a little behind a R35 in my 242bhp GT and beat stuff like DB7s and 3.5 turbo converted E30 BMWs, M3s, VXRs, evos and pretty much anything french or VAG I think an extra 60bhp would beat pretty much everything within reason. I used to have a play against cars all the time in my old GT and the only thing I remember pulling away was the R35 and that literally wasn't a lot although it was standard.
  9. As H_D said really. If you have a good map you should be fine with anything that a 4e can spool really. I've known of a forged 4e to melt the bearings to the rods and damage a piston but that's because the oil pump failed.
  10. try some stilsons. Probably the best tool I have in my box. They just get tighter the more you pull on them.
  11. Be worth taking the dump valve off and blanking it off to see if it makes a difference... If not I'd try what the other guys are saying as I've heard of the diaphragm splitting and leaking as well. Also 11 psi is safe on standard turbo although I'm not sure what that is in good olde bar. I know fuel cut is at .85 bar (I think anyway haha) and the car should be mapped up to fuel cut... Basically if you don't hit fuel cut you should be okay, if you do hit fuel cut, you'll be okay too because it's there as a safety precaution lol. It's only when you start using fuel cut defenders and raising the
  12. Just around the corner. If I had some cash I'd probably have it but I guess I can't have everything haha. Best of luck with the sale mate.
  13. Providing they're not seized ;). If they are try using stilson grips on the collar with plenty of lube instead of the c spanners. They'll dig in a little and leave marks on the collar but needs musts. Also be sure you're on flat ground. With the BCs as well because you can adjust the spring rate I took my bottom bits off (the bits that bolt to the hubs and beam) so that I could measure the body up to the bottom locking collar to make sure they were equal, and then after that just did as grant said.
  14. Never used the controller personally but I'd suspect that you just need a vacuum/pressure feed from the manifold. Better off confirming it with someone that uses the controller though.
  15. Bit of HDR ;). Looks like a nice estate haha
  16. I like both . Old GT was cut perfectly and had a big shiny aggressive mouth and then my current GT is completely hidden and painted black for stealth. Depends what you're after! I used a 1k gloss black which I just painted straight on tbh but it's chipped a little. Use an etch primer before painting and it might not chip as easy but really you should have it painted properly in 2k if you want to stand a better chance of it not chipping.
  17. Also just to mention most of the time you need to separate the exhaust at every join in the system. The reason they have those joins is so that you can fit it in the first place as it will go over the beam. If it's in 3 pieces you may be able to keep the middle and front pieces connected.
  18. If everything else seems as it should and runs nicely I'd suspect a boost leak. First thing I would do is check all your pipes and rubbers are tight on the intercooler set up. Check for splits in pipes too and don't forget to check the dump valve if you're running one.
  19. If the hangers are in different places I wouldn't even bother thinking about it because it will be more hassle than it's worth. But if you do go ahead with it it's not always straight forward as nuts and bolts seize, rust and snap off, some round off and really the only way to get some off in the end is with oxygen and acetylene. It's worth soaking every nut, bolt and stud in wd40 for a few days if it looks a little old and it should help a lot but even with that said if you've never done it before and will be doing it on your drive way, I think realistically you should be giving yourself a go
  20. aaddzz123

    mani decat

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