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Everything posted by *Zoe*

  1. ha ha thanks for heads up and the comedy value this thread has brought !!!
  2. We didnt end up going again!! looks good tho
  3. If its anything like our comapany cars where i work, there all on lease so for something like that we wouldnt bother claiming because the insurance is mental high anyway because so meny people are on it so we would just send it back the the rental place and tell them to fix it. They do stuff like that because its in the contract any parking dents or backing into posts like one girl did hear insurance never got involved. Fingers crossed it will be like this
  4. Check out the FCD thread in ELectronics section very clear
  5. add it to deposit for a house atleast then i would be spending hundreds a month on buying bricks not just thin air like renting at the minute........or a spray job and forge engine Depends lol
  6. Any one know what model these are? rota.....
  7. *Zoe*


    oh and mines fat_head89
  8. *Zoe*

    dinner time!

    Just had my shreddies for dinner and i plan on spending my next 55 minutes on here
  9. Oooooooooch! that looks bad rob! Burns are the worst When i worked in the kitchen at weatherspoons i was getting a bag of gravy out the microwave (everything is microwaved there even the sausages!) and it burst over my hand, it was so sticky and hot i thought it was ok at first but after running it under the cold tap for awhile and it not getting better i realised i'd taken the skin of most my thumb and back of my hand painful! Ended up in A&E dressed in gel weave stuff for about two weeks
  10. Nice project this, just read it from the top good call on them graphics and ambers
  11. Those hose's look awsome! will brighten up the bay a bit!
  12. I like the color twist its going to be a bitch to kep clean tho
  13. Looking good! i like the TOM's kits they look dead aggresive
  14. yep! only a few weeks to get it ready for JAE really because me and lew are going on holiday just before so times ticking !
  15. Looking good i do love them alloys ....changed alot since i last saw it in person lol
  16. HA! I was in two minds about it, I like the vents would be better if it was intergrated tho and not stuck on.
  17. New Shiney :) Will be getting this on at the weekend as have a bit of work to do on her. A few people have probably seen my 'Tempermental Engine' thread but for those who haven't been experiencing starting issues where it basically starts one day and the next its as if the battery if completely flat. So done a few things just testing the water and got loads of advise (thanks to this site) to explore a bit further. So i'v had the battery tested and is a healthy 14 ish when on and connectors are good and tight. Checked the earthing points they have deffinatly seen better days but are deffi
  18. i was reading this like is it just me that thinks chris is a prick that plays about one song an hour talks the rest of the time and if you join half way through your pretty much lost in all the 'in jokes' .... but no should of know lew would of piped up lol shared hatered
  19. yeah should help to get her a bit bigger with the extra sugar, i notice Vinny doesnt like strawberry based ones so i stick to the smoother fruit like mango, apples etc.
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