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Beastmode panda

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Everything posted by Beastmode panda

  1. How is it such a common thing on these then? :S. My best friends glanza did it a couple of months ago and it was his side lights. How did you fix your issue?
  2. As above, need one ASAP!!!! To fit glanza. Cheers.
  3. Hmm so by the looks of it it's deffo a wire rubbing somewhere. Can it be ANY wire shorting out? Like not even related to the lights?
  4. Nice one man i'll check there first like you say! Thanks . Stop, you're turning me on. Yeah man, weird!! Hate stuff like this .
  5. Really? What just a lose wire rubbing against the metal?
  6. I've got a laguna front splitter. £20 plus postage, pm me.
  7. Yeah lol but came in handy last night because my tail lights went out and dash lights too and had to drive home an hour away luckily enough I taped a phone light with bright red screen onto the c pillar brace like a rain light to get me home lol. Now on to the task of finding out why it's popping fuses :@. Might just sell it now!!
  8. Got my arb on. Got a C pillar bar for free. Not sure what make it is, looks custom really. The welds are fucking amazing.
  9. Ok, so last night some freaky ass shit was going down the car. First my right indicator stopped working, then both of them, then changed the fuse to a 15a as that's all I had in the car to get me going again, worked ok and still does now. Then my tail lights went out along with my dash lights. Put another 15a fuse in and it popped it literally straight away. Had to drive an hour or so home with a phone light taped to my C pillar bar... So fucking shit. Can anyone help me? I'm TERRIBLE when it comes to wiring etc. What should I be looking for and where?
  10. Fucking ruined it. Edit - Woop.
  11. Do like this! But how come it has 96 spec rear lights? You coming bluewater tonight Kate?
  12. Thought the compressor wheel was welded up for a second, I was like dafuq. Sick work though!
  13. woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop
  14. The map is on the first page guys you can't get lost lol..
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