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Im Alive People..............

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Just a very quick post to say...............

Its ok people i am still alive! :)

Hospital has been a complete pain in the arse! Operation went very well and although i was out of it for a few days i started getting better at a good rate. Then the problems started. I was just about to be let out last week and they noticed that i had a high temperature and had got an infection from somewhere so i was then put on antibiotics for several days. Then my Walfarin level went so high that technically my blood was as thin as water so they kept me in for a few more days. Now they are sayng that there is something not right with my liver and its effecting the Walfarin levels. To say im getting pissed off is an understatement.

Every day i see a different doctor and every day i get told something new. Yesterday was my birthday and i just flipped! I shouldn't of taken it out on the doctor but i am going crazy stuck in a hospital bed with nothing to do and feeling pretty good considering what has been done.

They said they are 'keeping a close eye on me' which means a blood test in the morning and then the doctor looks at the results shortly after. After lots of 'strong words' they finally decided to let me out of hospital last night as it was my birthday and they could see im going insane. Went back to the hospital this morning and i have picked up my big bag of drugs and disscharge letter :lol: So im finally free!!!!!

Just thought i would post up though as technically i have been off the face of the earth since before the Op. I know i have alot of stuff that i have to pay for also (clear cam belt/oil return line/inlet manifold) and will get deposits/monies sent off tomorrow after some sleep

I would like to say a big thankyou to all the forum messages of support!!!!

Will be back in force soon!

Jason :D

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Welcome back mate im glad everything went to plan ;) And happy birthday mate

thanks people B) I keep forgetting it was my birthday yesterday, didn't really feel like it. Sarah hasn't given me my present yet, she's not allowed to give it to me for 2-3 weeks as i need to take it easy and not put any strain on my heart :D

Everyone else chipped together and got me the best present i have had in a long time, a double memory foam matress :D When you have been stuck in a crappy hospital bed for 2 weeks that thing is like heaven!!!!!!!!!! Im still having problems sleeping as the heart valve is so loud that i can hear the ticking REALLY clearly :lol: and its not carbon fibre, they used titanium in the end, doesn't really matter what its made from, keeping me alive is what it needs to do. :)

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My dad is on Wolfrine. He was in the hospital over christmas through his haeart rate being rediculously high and not slowing down. All other people in his ward had similar issues and they were having all sorts of troubles. One of them had a stroke when they was doing the same procedure my dad had. It's a risky thing but the docters are seriously amazing. They deserve more money, not stupid footballers who contribute fuck all other than riots with there crappy talent. Good to see your back on your feet though mate, must have been bloody nerve wracking!

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Thanks for the love people :lol:

I was looking forward to a carbon valve but they obviously decided on Titanium for a reason? The little booklet i have said it would be carbon but when i spoke to the surgeon he confirmed it was Titanium. He said he has never seen the carbon ones :D Im guessing that they where going to change to carbon fibre but there was obviuosly a problem or something???

The X ray i had looks well funny. The Titanium valve looks like a little bullet casing thats lodged next to my heart and you can also see the metal wires that are bound through my chest bone holding me together (these stay in also). Going to be interesting going through customs when i get on a plane. Whats that ticking sir, come over here so we can scan you. Hmmmm there seems to be a bullet shaped object inside your chest along with some wires........... :):D

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