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millionaire boy racers.. ow I do say.. I cant sleep

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Is it me or did alll the old people complaining

seem to be old fashioned and racist ?

Shame there wasnt many go cars just all look at me im a super car with a weird colour.

And yeh there all jammi gits ! Lol

Yeah, the awkward moment when the camera man asked if they had ever spoken to a driver, and they all say no.

Its also for a few weeks a year, id be buzzing if that happened right outside my house! and they were stopping by 12.30pm, its not exactly super late.

Also the guy that had his aventdor seized, did have insurance that was fine.

But yeah, they all seemed racist, ignorant to change/other culutures.

I wonder how the colours were done, paints/vynal wraps, be interesting to know that.

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If they were doing that all year round then I'd understand the neighborhood getting annoyed, but as you said TrisK a few weeks a year is nothing. There was one happy chappy who said he shows his guests the view of all the nice cars from his balcony, if only they all saw it that way!

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I have to agree that all the residents where racist, as at one point when the posh toff was chatting to the copper, he kept complainig about "them" coming to the uk and how he didnt like that the town was changing with all the "cultures" and how it used to be a proper town etc etc

they bring alot of money to the area and it is just a few weeks.

Also love tgat bird called panda! Haha when sge took the camera man to the roof to show him the view of the housing estates in the distance and starts yarping on about how the super cars spoil the sense of comunity!! Pmsl she lives in a 5million quid apartment what does she know of comunity haha

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So 8 residents moan and get a tv show.. Nice one. As above they looked like elderly people who in their day were racist and made them look like fools.

Have you ever spoken to them... No... Then shut the fuck up. Typical brit, they moan about a problem but never tell the person they are moaning about.

The guys were very decent and seemed so friendly. They come for a holiday and have fun. They don't get drunk, start fights. Better then when we go to foreign countries!

Police looked like belleneds too, just picking on them! Also when he had insurance they couldn't call q8, so the man gave him his mobile! Then still wouldn't let him off.. Massive dickheads.

Arabs and siecks (however its spelt) own billions of pounds worth of the economy here, people should realise without them a lot of stuff wouldn't be here!

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I watched this last night was a pretty good watch.

The residents complaining seem very oldschool and set it their eays so dont like to accept change so come across a bit racist. The councils and government wont care about it because they bring in a fair bit of tourism. Tourism=money. And they have lots of oil so gotta keep on good terms

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They seemed realy decent, the lad who had the red ferrari said he heard some peopke complain but he has never been spoken to personaly by a resident, and when asked what he would do if he was he said he would respec thier wishes and do what was needed to apease their unhappiness!! Cant say fairer than that can you. they where all sound lads with lots of money amd cool cars but still very polite.

As above typical brits who moan about an issue they arnt preperd to confront. This works across most of the car scene tbh we all get tared with the "disrespectful, pain in the arse" brush when the large majority of car modders/lovers are nice polite people who just want to unwind with their car for fun.

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Would have liked to ask all the posh resident how many of them have a second home out of London in the country that they go to once a month. Inflating the house prices out in the countryside side so us normal folk can't afford a decent house! It only the same thing the Arabs are doing escaping from one palce to find something they can't have where they live usually.

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Just watched that, quite good.

Bought not built lol

The lad in the GTR was nuts, drifting round that corner !!

They residents need a slap, would pump that posh birds daughter though for a laugh haha

The cops only impounded that lads car for the camera, he clearly had insurance

And when that boy came out of the ferrari he was covering the front of his trousers for som reason ?? haha

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Good watch but those posh fuckers in knightsbrige R so far up there arse its unreal... Full of racism, all there doing is bringing there cars over along with there money... Helping the econemy of this county, an all that posh bitch is worried about is her leafy London and the culture in the area... Well fuck off n ill live there haha

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I say! Tally Ho!

Bloody hooligans with to much money thrashing around in supercars! You don't get that in the local Tesco car park around here :)

I'd love to go down there in a banged out sleeper and put all their cars to shame, that would be funny :)

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