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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. Could always get it re-trimmed? I have a Nardi myself and I'm thinking of getting the leather re-done.
  2. A shame that it happened, but I'm relieved to hear that Jay is fine, that's the main thing!! Hopefully the engine and turbo setup aren't damaged and can go into another shell. What was the cause for the blowout? I saw someone say on FB that a splitter off a car in front came off?
  3. His Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyron.devine Get in touch with him via that. Bit disapointed in him to be honest as I didn't think he was like that. It may be that you'll be able to sort stuff out contacting him directly.
  4. I'm using an Ogura ORC309, lovely clutch to use. Probably not the best to use in stop start traffic however; it certainly doesn't like to be slipped. I can't comment for power as I'm still only on a standard CT9 @ 0.7 bar (lol!), but people have run them at high power levels with no problems.
  5. Mine used hit boost cut for fun when I had the front air intake and Japspeed exhaust on. Barely needed to breathe on the pedal at times and you'd be hitting a brick wall :/
  6. Sounds like Sam! Well, Sam's car at least He isn't on here but he's a mate of Gilly (who drives a black GT).
  7. Did all GT's come with the wires in the parcel shelf? Mine does, but with aftermarket speakers (holes cut in the shelf), presumably by the previous owner!!
  8. Whereabouts in the NW are you from? Lancashire here
  9. Done a good job with that engine bay! I never cleaned the bay of my old N/A Needs a nice set of wheels on badly! Looks well for the age though, mine was an S reg and was a hell of a lot worse condition.
  10. Fucking hell Nick, you just aren't catching a break with this car at all are you?
  11. TTE spoiler and a Glanza rear bumper is all you need. Favourite look of arse on the '91 imo. I mean, it's not like I'm biased or anything...
  12. I contacted him on Facebook last night letting him know of the situation, and he mentioned that he was going to chase up the couriers. Will wait and see.
  13. Do the Sard FPRs not come with a gauge anyway? A tasty pile of parts there though, jealous!
  14. Wondered when this was going to be put up on here!
  15. I've spoken to Ty quite a few times over the years, and I doubt that he's the type of person to rip people off. We'll see what he says when he's able to answer
  16. '90s nu-metal, industrial, noise, post-metal and then softer stuff like post-rock etc, Bit of all sorts really. My last.fm (for those of you who use it) is here: http://www.last.fm/user/TehBluebear
  17. Fair enough Dave! Must admit I wasn't sure with it only being springs.
  18. If they do catch, they'll catch on the rear due to the rear beam axle and the suspension drop. Get a panhard rod as well to bring the axle back to centre after you put the 40mm springs on and you should be reet.
  19. OH MY GOD. PICTURES. ACTUAL PICTURES. Good to see her again Phil, I was starting to get worried
  20. I miss nightspirit's car What is he up to now anyway, do you know?
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