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Everything posted by Mikeyallgood85

  1. If every sticker adds 5hp that should fly
  2. One more thing to add is take note of his stance though out the fight you can catch him out then rock him he will be done!
  3. What do you know about your opponent? I'd try and stay on your toes and keep him moving to work him and use your reach to distance him and use your peripheral view too and but don't over work yourself at the same time! Good luck
  4. As mentioned I wouldn't pump to much into it imo I would get it to a reasonable spec that you'd be happy with without breaking the bank and take your young one's on a epic holiday as good memories last forever! I've spent a lot on mine so far and im looking to spend more to fix it and enjoy it just so I can justify what ive spent out already if I had of known what I know now I might have done thing's a little different and not gone so mad, I'm to far in to look back
  5. Jordan when you get the 16" wheels I want first dibs on them red beauty's how many colours have you used to spray them as they look different in different light's!
  6. I'm getting new valve stem seals as im burning a little oil, I'll have a nosy around yours ;)
  7. I never said it wouldn't! If he had of been more competitive with the price I would have used him as he's close to home! tbh I was gutted he wasn't! Have you experienced his work first had to give more insight?
  8. true fact £650 for labour not including parts apposed to 700-750 including all parts and labour alarm bells start ringing buddy! for what I'd pay at Alan jefferies I'd expect it to be nuke proof not saying he doesn't do a good job but I would expect it to last for ever!
  9. I'm learning so where does the 2.6 equivalent come from?
  10. I could be wrong but isn't it a twin rotary engine witch makes it the equivalent to a 2.6!
  11. Every case is different you have got to take the good with the bad buddy, im taking mine up at the end of the month for the head to be rebuilt and I'm sure after all the negative impact he will be making sure it's bang on! I'll see you there
  12. to be fair to TD/Race-tec both prices included all parts! where as jefferies was just labour so by the time you add the parts list it would be over a grand to have it done by Alan!
  13. 700-750 is all parts included arp bolts 1.2mm hg ect!
  14. I think Alan Jeffery is a cock/joker I phoned him regarding changing my valve stem seals and he qouted me £650 just for labour and then said it's a days work at £50 per hour "so it was going to take them 13hrs" ive stripped my spare engine in 2hrs. And when I mentioned that TD and race-tec would do it for £700-750 his reply was "they must be working out of a shed" put me right off he's got a shit attitude! AP is the one ive herd are good but im sure they have since changed their name.
  15. I can understand the situation, but it's hard to know who to trust and go to! Mike has never giving me a reason to dout him but saying that I've never had work carried out!
  16. Why do people who have bad feedback not come forward sooner? If it's as bad as people say then surely you would mention this to give the rest of us the in site into workmanship this is the whole point of feedback weather it's good or bad it's gives the rest of us a good idea of the tuner! I'm going up to have my head rebuilt end of the month I just hope I don't have the same problems as I'll be travelling 200+ miles
  17. all I know is I check my oil level every time before I use my car and it was on the top line when I left my house and when I left slow fit it was halfway on the stick! Plus when they moved it they revved it like chav's it may not be down to them but It doesn't burn that much when I'm driving so maybe being left running for 2hrs with no cool air cooling it down caused it to burn more than the norm!
  18. Took my car to kwik-fit to get two new tyres and the wheels aligned 2hrs later and my steering wheel doesn't sit straight and if I move it so it's centred it turns right! And they must have left my car running the whole time as it had burnt half it's oil (im in need of new valve seals!) I only noticed when my oil temp gauge was creeping towards 80° i'm fucking raging at the bunch of wankers i'm taking it back tomorrow and kicking off! I just hope I control my anger issues!
  19. Let me know when you want to sell it or pm a price so I can get some notes together!
  20. Im going to ask about the ultimate see if I can work a deal with mike at TD!
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